Beeping Smoke Alarm


Registered User
Hi Guys,

What week I am having .... the smoke alarm in the hallway has now decided to start giving off a beep every 30 seconds or so.

It is an ETERNA manufactured alarm and it is connected to the mains power and has a 9V battery as a backup.

I have changed the battery with a new one as I taught that it might be the battery but no luck

Anyone comne across this before?

Help Needed !

This happens with my alarm which is on the mains when we have a power failure. I then put the code into the house alarm, turn it on and then turn it off and that seems to work. Have no idea why though.
Thanks guys for the replys !

Placed another battery in the unit and it beeped for another 5 minutes or so and then stopped.

Just as well as I images of hammer connecting to the smaoke alarm
I have the same problem at the moment and it is driving me mad, why does it happen when its connected to the mains? will get a new battery and pray it stops.