Mortgage Protection Assurance Declined


Registered User
I am posting this on behalf of my friend.

My friend recently applied for Life assurance for mortgage protection. He was asked to go for a medical checkup. During the medical checkup he had told his GP that his father & brother died at the ages of 47 & 37. His father had a sudden death & his brother died due to liver problems as he was a alcoholic (very bad).My friend is a non-EU citizen.

His insurance was declined & when he had asked for explanation he was told that his BP is high & based on the family history i.e father & brother dying at young age. According to the GP a sudden death is considered as a heart disease & also though he had mentioned that his brother had died due to liver problems he had written this as heart disease. Due to the combination that his pressure is high & his family history his application has been declined. Any comments on how to sort this out.
Shop around with other life insurance companies, he will have to declare that he has already been declined. Some companies look at illness risks differently however he may find that he is unable to get insurance at an affordable price.

If the mortgage lender he was applying to is one that allows a waiver in this case, as some do, then he can still go ahead with the mortgage. If not, then I think the only option if he still wants the mortgage is to switch to a lender who will accept a waiver in the case of declined cover or expensive cover.