Eircom email problems

Happy Girl

Registered User
I hope somebody out there can help me. My mum has used eircom broadband & email for the past 8 years problem free. She has recently received the following message when she hits the send/receive button in outlook:
"Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account: 'mail2.eircom.net', Server: 'mail2.eircom.net', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F"
I'm afraid this is double dutch to me as I have no understanding of what the problem is. I would be so so so grateful if anybody could give me a "dummys guide" to how to fix this problem for her.
I have just come from there it not recognizing my login ,might be a problem their end , just try again later or tomorrow ,if it still a problem then its time to worry
just checked eircom forum ,they are aware of a problem
wonder if it has any thing to do with that exploit in the browser on the news last night
Yes, their email seems to be down since yesterday, and no joy so far this morning.
My webmail, and my GF's email is back, so at least 2 of the webmail server farm are back up. It will take a while for the queued email to be delivered.
Eircom email

Hi! Is anyone still having problems with eircom email - I'm really lost without my email account!
[broken link removed] (dated this morning) says service is now restored to all.