Information: Cigarette Smoke from Next Door semi making its way through party wall.


Registered User
I don’t know if this is a rant or information to others with this problem.

Where are all of the Engineers?

I live in a 10 year old semi.

For a number of years I have had a problem with cigarette smoke coming through from next door in to the rear bedroom upstairs.

I have asked a few engineers, the NHBG people, on forums such this and had a builder in; no one could tell me how it gets through because there is a block on flat as a party wall.

Today I lifted 2 floorboards near the rear wall where the en-suite toilet drain goes out after going under the bedroom floor, and there it was, a 6 inch gap in the block work where the drain goes through the inner wall. Next doors drain is only a meter way on the other side of the party wall. I assume next door is the same so the smoke next door is going through the floor boards and the hole, along the cavity which I thought was sealed, and then in to the hole on my side, up through the floor boards in to the bedroom.

I filled with foam and hopefully the problem is fixed.
I love a good rant, but can i ask - did you employ anyone? as in, did you invite an engineer (or arch, building surveyor, or builder for that matter) to your home and pay for any advice/consultation? or did you just seek opinion from a forum? maybe that's your issue? btw the way who are 'the NHBG'?
I had a builder in who took up some floorboards, discussed personally with an engineer at a consultants who hadn't a clue so it was not worth getting him in.
I wanted someone to put a scope in to a small hole
NHBG National House Builder Guarantee (Homebond)
I filled with foam and hopefully the problem is fixed.

I hope that this has resoved your problem. I can appreicate your problem as a relative of mine had a similar problem.

Tenants (or visitors) in the non attached neighbouring house were constantly smoking out the toilet window. The smoke drifted across the short divide and into my relatives toilet/bathroom. This wasnt an isolated incident and the smokers had long arms and held their hand well out of the window.

Even a small amount of ciggarette smoke is horribly offensive to most non smokers and I can really empathise with your problem.
