Dogs Barking - any legislation

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Is there any legislation regarding control of dogs barking in built up areas e.g house estates in city/town

Is there legislations regarding dogs barking continually late at night, during day and early in the mornings

Is there onus on owners to ensure there dogs stay quiet between certain times

Was looking on dept of environment web site but couldnt find anything specific but that doesnt mean it not there - if someone know the specifics maybe they can advise

Does anyone know if there is anything that says if dog owners have to ensure their dogs keep quiet or make efforts to curb their barking between certain hours e.g between say 11pm at night and 9 am in the morning

For example this morning the dog started barking at around 7am and barking pretty much on and off until about 9.30

Surely the owners find this annoying too

Also isnt it distressing for the dog for them to be continually barking

Best thing to do is to talk to the owner directly.

If that does nothing, or you'd prefer not to, then go to the Gardaí. I know someone at home who did this and they, the Gardaí went and spoke to the offending owners.
I thought it would be covered in the "peaceful enjoyment" of you home rule, 11pm - 8am or some such, or maybe that's just apartments.

For two years now we've (eventually) gone to sleep to the sounds of the neighbours two dogs barking. They're not right next door as there's a bit of space between our houses but in the dead of night, the sound carries. It's distressing because we know the dogs are cold from being outside and probably lonely too.

We had to speak to them when they got the dogs because they were coming into our garden all summer, always very dirty and jumping all over us, not to mention bringing out the territorial feelings in our own two (now three) dogs and damaging our rabbit hutch in an attempt to get to it. I'm just not able for another round of "polite visits". Do we go see them about their dogs barking all night or about their house alarm which goes off regularly?

That said, talking to our neighbours, who are otherwise great and very respectable, did sort the unwanted visitor problem but at great embarrassment to ourselves.

To think we moved to the country for a nice peaceful life!!
Best thing to do is to talk to the owner directly.

If that does nothing, or you'd prefer not to, then go to the Gardaí. I know someone at home who did this and they, the Gardaí went and spoke to the offending owners.

Had same experience in relation to a dog next door howling non stop day and night. Approached the owner who was not helpful. Spoke to Gardai and it's the same approach as noisey neighbours (Parties). You have to help yourself. So you must go through the courts in order to get a result if approaching the owner does not rectify the matter. Gardai have no powers in relation to noisey dogs. I was lucky in so far as house next door was rented and just after contacting the courts, the neighbours moved out and house was sold. No problems now.

Hope this helps,

Dogs barking constantly can be classified as a "nuisance". However you should approach the dog owner first and see if you can sort it out amicably. If this does not work out, you can make an official complaint to your local authority under the1986 Control of Dogs Act. I think you have to fill up a form and they will investigate the matter.

Hope this is of some help to you
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