Mortgage Protection Insurance

Han Solo

Registered User
A friend has put a deposit on a new home, but has been turned down by Eagle Star as she is overweight and her parents had heart trouble.

She is obviously willing to pay a bit more than normal.

Are there any companies/brokers willing to take on high risk people for the obligatory protection, so that she can get the keys to her new home ?

Thanks in advance!
Some lenders will indeed waive the normally mandatory (under the Consumer Credit Act) requirement for owner occupiers to have mortgage protection life assurance if the buyer is over 50 or cannot get any or "reasonable" cover due to medical history/circumstances. However your friend may need to shop around and try a few more insurers before looking for a waiver. Not sure which lenders are more likely to grant such waivers than others. Others may know...
There's no one company that will automatically be a better bet for the conditions you mention. She should apply to two or three more companies - Irish Life and Hibernian should be on the list.