So what did Santa bring ya?



Looking at my holiday tickets for June (south of France) next year, my new car, a new suit (from Louis) and a new tool kit.

well I've woken up now and what I really got was a pair of slippers, a bottle of Baileys, 6 bottles of a German beer, a new cordless saw (B+D) and to rub it all in my mother-in-law bought me a book about a bunch of people who creamed millions from Irish people called The Bankers (good read and I see our own Brendan has a mention in the book too;)).

So what did you all get.
Santa brought the usual bits and pieces....a box of Pro V1's, a Callaway glove, a Ping polo shirt, The Phoenix Annual and The Pure Mule box set. And Mrs. Foutish, whose wicked sense of humour is often reflected in the presents she buys, bought me an annual type book called, "Opus Dei-The Truth Behind The Myth." Bathroom reading sorted for a few weeks! :D