Search results

  1. D

    ETFs as part of pension

    No tax implications if it's in your pension. No need to go for CGT instruments or concern yourself with domicile of funds. Just pick whatever funds you like.
  2. D

    De Giro broker

  3. D

    De Giro broker

    Whether it's a blog or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that Degiro operates out of the Netherlands and the CBI have zero oversight on their business here as a result. Doing a little bit of local research on such companies would be recommended for anyone using them.
  4. D

    De Giro broker

    According to Amsterdam Trader the DeGiro pockets are quite empty. Tried unsuccessfully to sell a stake in the business earlier in the year
  5. D

    recommend an online stock broker

    If you bought 100k worth of Apple with TD you would actually pay them €2020. Their FX margin is 2%. You would pay Davy €1,250 (FX margin 0.75%) and Saxo €600 (FX margin 0.5%). You should pay as much attention to the FX margin as the commission and inactivity fees with any broker.