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  1. C

    Contributing more than 150% to AVC for 40% tax payer

    Not sure if this the right thread or whatever to ask in but; I'm in an occupational DB scheme and I've worked up the maximum 40 years service which entitles me to 1.5xfinal salary (about 90K). I've also got about 100K in AVCs. 1) Can I take the full AVC balance tax free in a lump when I retire...
  2. C

    Discussion: Why is it called "Local" Property Tax?

    This thread's about why it's called "Local". I saw someone complaining about the notion of ONLY 80% being retained locally. Well now we've heard Fingal will have to GIVE AWAY well over 80% of the LPT we paid. Redistribution is all very well but this level of redistrib kills this charge as any...
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    Dirt tax 41%

    Fair point Sebadoh, but wait & see. There will be an adjustment, but my betting's that it won't 100% compensate for the DIRT change. It reflects the ambivalence Govt has to the whole banking sector now; Resolve Mortgage crisis but not TOO quickly cos we're not ready to recapitalise you, start...
  4. C

    41% rate of dirt and withholding tax

    Move your money out of the EU If you're a standard rate taxpayer, or your spouse is, and especially if theyve got non-transferable std rate band, if you deposit outside the EU (say Isle of Man? Channel Isl?) the interest is counted as income, and you'd only pay 20% on it.
  5. C

    one person tax credit being restricted to principal carer

    Hit the small unloved groups I'm afraid this is Govt cashing in on lack of compassion for small groups, and old-fashioned moralism. It's absolutely correct that separated parents get a lot more tax credits than cohabiting parents.Indeed sometimes grandparents get a credit as well, so it is on...
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    Dirt tax 41%

    How this has passed everyone, including the media, by, I don't know. This is to divert money out of the banks and into state savings, so the state, instead of paying out 3.68% to international bondholders, just pays 1.32% to its own citizens. Here's how it works in govt interest costs saved vs...
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    Key Post Is gold a good investment?

    Don't know if this has been discussed previously, but what are the risks posed to private gold investors by the Central banks? Under what circumstances would Central Banks offload large gold holdongs? Why are some of them buying so much gold? Why are the Germans repatriating gold? And why are...
  8. C

    Voting rights: 2 units 2 votes? Developer 30 unsold units - 30 Votes?

    A member of a company has to be a legal person. That can be a human being or corporate body (company). If a member has one vote, then that means the only way a developer can acquire more memberships is by vesting each apartment/unit in a different company or person. Ownership of multiple units...
  9. C

    Hurray for accBank?

    ACC's tack is simply this: In order to get LCs group into administration, the Irish banks had to pay off all the unsecured creditors and pool the resulting extra risk among themselves. ACC wants them to do it the same favour. They'll have to buy out ACC as the dissenting secured creditor, so ACC...
  10. C

    "Economic value" versus "market value"

    Agree totally with Shawady and the judges. Really the banks have lost a catastrophic amount of depositors', shareholders' and lenders' funds on property inflation, which will not and should not return. Without NAMA, this loss would fall haphazardly on rich & poor alike (remember all the little...
  11. C

    Does NAMA requre another property boom to work?

    Re: Does NAMA requre another proprty boom to work? Don't know if this has appeared on another thread/post but what about NAMA extending further credit/investment to complete or develop some of the properties it acquires security on? If it decides never to finance any half-built office blocks it...