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  1. W

    PAYE moving abroad in May - eligible for tax refund?

    I am a PAYE employee moving abroad in May, within the EU. I am guessing I might be eligible for a tax refund for the rest of the year, can anyone confirm and point me in the right direction please? Many thanks!
  2. W

    DIY legal separation (updated)

    No children or property in common, it's more like a peace of mind thing and to set in writing a date in which the relationship broke down for the future divorce application... Do you disrecommend it for that purpose?
  3. W

    DIY legal separation (updated)

    A separation agreement.
  4. W

    DIY legal separation (updated)

    Hi all, I could only find old information about a DIY legal separation. Would anyone have a template to share with me, in no way that would make them responsible for my doings? Thanks in advance!