Well done Munster


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Another excellent performance from the boys in red.
They showed their usual grit and composure and while I in no way want to diminish the individual skill levels of the players it was and is their ability to play as a team which is more than the sum of their parts and their incredible mental strength which enables them to maintain their composure and hold their shape throughout not just one game but through an entire season.
Leinster, who on their day can beat anyone but lack the will to win and the ability to fire on all cylinders all (or even most) of the time, could learn a lot from Munster.
I really need to get something off my chest about Munster Rugby.

Firstly I am not a Munster man but would support any Irish team over another team.

Secondly I am delighted they won, thoroughly deserved after the route they had to the final.

But heres my gripe. WHy do they always have to resort to this cynical tactic of winding players up trying to get them sent off? I'm talking about Quinlan jeering Pelous, slapping him on the back of the head trying to draw a reaction out of him! Also in the Gloucester match, Leamy grabbing the Gloucester prop by the neck and also their treatment of Comtempomi every time they play Leinster.

They are a great team and don't need to resort to these tactics. They should let their rugby do the talking, as 99.9% of the time its more than enough!
While I congratulate Munster, I thought it was boring enough rugby especially the last 10 minutes. While the atmosphere created by the fans was good, the rugby itself wasn't particularly exciting except for the Toulouse try.
I was delighted Munster won. Boring game for the neutral except for the French try but brilliant the way Munster kept control of the game in the last 20 minutes. Leinster could learn a lot from them - brilliant one day, awful the next....and I'm a Leinster supporter! Hopefully winning the Magners League will give Leinster the momentum it needs to do better next year.

I do think the French were right in complaining about Owens reffing so many of Munster's games. Not that he favoured them but Munster would know exactly what to expect of him, how far they could push things etc. Quinlan for example knew he'd gotten away with not binding in the scrum previously and used this to his advanatage whereas another ref would have penalised him. Certainly if Toulouse had had the same ref in charge of them for five matches in a row Munster would, justifiably, have had reason to complain.

Well done Munster though and hopefully Kidney will bring to Ireland the ability to close out games which is what any top side needs.
Munsters win was great, the last 15 mins really showed their experience, physical and mental strength. Lots of people watching rugby these days don't understand the rules or the way the game is played. If you ever played rugby you would know all the stuff that happens off the ball even at the lowest levels. thankfully I never played in the forwards, they are forever taking cheap shots at each other in the scrums/rucks, its all part of the game.
I wish Kidney the best of luck, he'll need it, its a pity he is moving on. Munster first, Ireland second ;)
WHy do they always have to resort to this cynical tactic of winding players up trying to get them sent off? I'm talking about Quinlan jeering Pelous, slapping him on the back of the head trying to draw a reaction out of him! Also in the Gloucester match, Leamy grabbing the Gloucester prop by the neck and also their treatment of Comtempomi every time they play Leinster.

These are the things you could see, the really cynical stuff tends to happen in the scrum or at the bottom of mauls etc. I think it is a bit ott to suggest that munster players are always trying to get their opponents sent off. Munster have discipline, if the other team does not half the battle is one. If you analyse every team you will find not one where some sort of winding up or foul play isn't used.

While I congratulate Munster, I thought it was boring enough rugby especially the last 10 minutes. While the atmosphere created by the fans was good, the rugby itself wasn't particularly exciting except for the Toulouse try.
Depends really, because alot of people who regularly enjoy the game or have played it will really have enjoyed how they managed to hold ball for the last 20 minutes, it was areal display of strength both mentally and physically. i think we saw real leaders out there and O'Connell should definitely be Ireland captain going forward now.
i think we saw real leaders out there and O'Connell should definitely be Ireland captain going forward now.

Speaking as a Leinster supporter I totally agree with you.

I feel theres always been a touch of the "David Beckham England Captain" about O'Driscoll - a great player but not a leader. (and I do think BOD would play better if not captain)

I don't think though Kidney will make that change as it might increase any perceived Leinster/Munster divide.
I don't think though Kidney will make that change as it might increase any perceived Leinster/Munster divide.

Remember this is the man who dropped stringer/Payne and didn't even give axel a "run out" in the final. He can and will make the tough/unpopular choices.
Superb performance..was at the game and it was easily the best sporting event I've attended. Delighted too that the French are so upset given how many times they've robbed us! If the French are unhappy that we stuck the ball up the jumper for the last 15 minutes then they should have dug in and turned us over / forced a knockon. Also, we had 2 tries disallowed and whilst I agree they were illegal, we still crossed their line 3 times. Bring on Edinburgh!!!
As a Connacht man, delighted Munster won the Heineken Cup. I thought the game was fascinating despite the keep-ball phases Munster did towards the end. Remember there were only 3 points in it and its a professional game so it was a professional approach.
We finally beat a French team too. O'Connell was immense and should be captain of Ireland.
As a Connacht man, delighted Munster won the Heineken Cup. I thought the game was fascinating despite the keep-ball phases Munster did towards the end. Remember there were only 3 points in it and its a professional game so it was a professional approach.
We finally beat a French team too. O'Connell was immense and should be captain of Ireland.

While I agree that we need a new Irish captain do remember that O'Connells bad decision as captain against France cost us the 6 nations before last.
Never thought you'd be one to hold a grudge Purple ;). I think ROG would make a great captain, he did a fine job in Paulie's absence. A no 10 captain makes sense since they dictate the movement of play, atleast they should!
Never thought you'd be one to hold a grudge Purple ;). I think ROG would make a great captain, he did a fine job in Paulie's absence. A no 10 captain makes sense since they dictate the movement of play, atleast they should!
I agree, my only concern is that he has shown himself to be a bit mentally fragile on occasions. I do agree that he did very well as captain. O'Connell seems to play better when he just has to look after his own game (and what a game!).
Never thought you'd be one to hold a grudge Purple ;). I think ROG would make a great captain, he did a fine job in Paulie's absence. A no 10 captain makes sense since they dictate the movement of play, atleast they should!

No I dont think 10 should be a captain - they have enough on their plates. None of the winning world cup captains were out-halfs despite having brilliant no 10s in some of the teams (Lynagh, Wilkinson etc)

1987 All Blacks - David Kirk - Scrum Half
1991 Australia - Nick Farr Jones - Scrum Half
1995 South Africa - Francois Piennar - Flanker
1999 Australia - John Eales - Second Row
2003 England - Martin Johnson - Second Row
2007 South Africa - John Smit - Hooker
No I dont think 10 should be a captain - they have enough on their plates. None of the winning world cup captains were out-halfs despite having brilliant no 10s in some of the teams (Lynagh, Wilkinson etc)

1987 All Blacks - David Kirk - Scrum Half
1991 Australia - Nick Farr Jones - Scrum Half
1995 South Africa - Francois Piennar - Flanker
1999 Australia - John Eales - Second Row
2003 England - Martin Johnson - Second Row
2007 South Africa - John Smit - Hooker

I see your point, but I wounldn't discount O Gara because of his position, Its the man that is captain not his place. I notice there are no centres in your list. We should be more concerned on winning a few six nation tournaments before we are compared to world cup winning sides.
I see your point, but I wounldn't discount O Gara because of his position, Its the man that is captain not his place. I notice there are no centres in your list. We should be more concerned on winning a few six nation tournaments before we are compared to world cup winning sides.

Same story for 6 nations :

2002 France - Galthie - Scrum Half
2003 England - Johnson - Second Row
2004 France - Pelous - Second Row
2005 Wales - Michael Owen - Number 8
2006 France - Pelous - Second Row
2007 France - Ibanez - Hooker
2008 Wales - Ryan Jones - Second Row