Increase in energy tariff mid contract - can I leave without an exit fee


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As above. Signed up to a 12 month electricity contract in February. Provider has now communicated the tariff will increase by 12.5% effective end of July. Does this action by the provider invalidate the contract such that I can now leave without paying an exit fee?
But will moving to another provider work out any cheaper as so many of them have had increases recently?
It would appear from this that its not possible to avoid the fee and with some suppliers its €100 if its dual fuel:

Can you switch without penalty if your supplier hikes their prices?​

The majority of energy tariffs in Ireland are ‘variable tariffs’ which means that fuel prices can rise or fall during the contract.

If your supplier has made a significant price hike, and you’re still in contract, it might work out cheaper to pay the exit fee and switch to a cheaper plan.

Just remember to factor the exit fee into any calculations you make when you’re comparing plans and working out your savings.
I think most of the deals are discounts on their standard rates. So when the standard rate increases so does your tarrif. But it's still discounted by the same amount. You'd need to check the terms of the contract.
To be fair to the price comparison websites, the one I recently used (, provided notification where the quotation was based on the supplier's current price and that an increase would be applied at a particular date.
No one directly answered the question.
If you have contract how can it be changed, is this not the norm throughout industry
suggest you might contact the supplier and ask to move - noting change in contract price etc.
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No one directly answered the question.
If you have contract how can it be changed, is this not the norm throughout industry

I would have thought my reply above and quoted again below answered the question which appears to be no (see the link with info from

It would appear from this that its not possible to avoid the fee and with some suppliers its €100 if its dual fuel:

Can you switch without penalty if your supplier hikes their prices?​

The majority of energy tariffs in Ireland are ‘variable tariffs’ which means that fuel prices can rise or fall during the contract.

If your supplier has made a significant price hike, and you’re still in contract, it might work out cheaper to pay the exit fee and switch to a cheaper plan.

Just remember to factor the exit fee into any calculations you make when you’re comparing plans and working out your savings.
suggest you might contact the supplier and ask to move - noting change in contract price etc.
Unless you have a fixed rate contract this cannot be done.
Remember prices dropped last year. But no one paid any heed.

In any case, prices are rising in all suppliers and around the world. Natural gas prices are at 10 year high and still growing.

In the UK four suppliers have gone bust due to the wholesale price increases