Brexit Crash-out New Hires for Civil/Public Services


Registered User
It seems that Leo & Co are actively discussing hiring several hundred additional customs & immigration officials to man border-posts in the event of a hard Brexit. I don't believe he has any need to.

In conversation with a current non-clinical, administrative HSE employee, who holds the generic title of "manager" of something or other, it seems by his own admission, that he and in excess of 2,500 of his colleagues spend their days in their HSE offices on their HSE computers playing Tetris, Poker and other games. They have no responsibilities, have no subordinates and other the personnel dept. and each other have little or no interactions with other HSE staff or service users.

Each of these individuals is paid a minimum of €100k per annum, plus pension and whatever other benefits they are entitled to because of their job titles.

Could Simon, Leo and their powerful friends in the PS unions look at redeploying these idle, highly paid people, improving HSE productivity and budgeting and avoiding more unnecessary overhead for the price of a little work and training?

€250,000,00 plus pension and overhead costs anyone? And of course fire Simon, his senior health & HSE officials.
Obvious question is how your acquaintance knows what 2,500 other HSE staff are doing when they "have little or no interactions with other HSE staff" -- what is it that makes them pally with only the Tetris-playing cohort. Is there a secret Tetris handshake / wink ?
That's really strange. I was talking to someone recently who was also a manager in the HSE and he told me that he and at least 1000 of his colleagues who earn 100k a year have nothing to do either but they weren't allowed to join the Tetris league so they set up their own Microsoft Minesweeper one. Now, I don't know if this is true but apparently there is really friction between the tetris people and the minesweeper ones and it causing huge morale issues in the HSE.
Such a story about the HSE would not surprise me.

It's probably worse than you think. That much Tetris would lead to RSI so probably 10% of the managers are on disability with that.
Does anyone know if the Tetris league scoreboard for the month of December has been posted on the HSE Intranet site yet ?

Asking for a friend
I met an old friend recently whom I hadn't seen in a number of years. The conversation turned to work. He has been a manager in the HSE since at least 1990. I asked him what he was working on these days. "Policy development", he said, "dossing", I thought. Now I realise that its management speak for Tetris.

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.. it seems by his own admission, that he and in excess of 2,500 of his colleagues spend their days in their HSE offices on their HSE computers playing Tetris, Poker and other games .. Each of these individuals is paid a minimum of €100k per annum, plus pension and whatever other benefits they are entitled to because of their job titles.

And they spend their afternoons watching the Tooth Fairy ride Shergar around the office, while Elvis serenades them :rolleyes:
I met an old friend recently whom I hadn't seen in a number of years. The conversation turned to work. He has been a manager in the HSE since at least 1990. I asked him what he was working on these days. Policy development, he said

That's brilliant!
Department of Health officials' turn on the Tetris machines then. The HSE has no role to play in policy development, according to Harney and every Minister for Health since. That "work" is reserved for the Permanent Government.