VHI Cheaper plan than PMI3613 with VHI.

Up Rovers

Registered User
Hi All,

Just looking for advice regarding the renewal on our PMI3613 with VHI. Possibly last year or the year before we moved to this plan on advice received from both VHI and AAM. We were able to secure the same cover at a cheaper rate. I think Dermot Goode had made the general recommendation too.

Just wondering if there is anything similar available this year that people are aware of? Quite shocked at the price of our renewal for 1 adult in 60s and 1 25 year old. Would prefer to stay with VHI and not really keen on moving elsewhere.

Also noticed that the rates quoted on the renewal are more expensive than figures on VHI site and HIA? 60 year old quoted at 1349.23 as compared to 1247.88 and 25 year old 1209.81 as compared to 1117.58.

Tried ringing them to-day but they are closed.
Up Rovers,

There is a list of price increases applying from 1st and 2nd Jan 2017 which will affect your premium prices as your renewal date is mid January.
However, there are a few VHI alternative options worth considering as follows;

1. PMI 43 16; price 1131per adult, (price for 25 yr old not shown until 31/12/2016); this is a new plan which will be launched on 31/12/2016,
cover is similar to PMI 36 13 with the only difference being the inpatient excess 150 per private or hi-tech admission. Day case excess is lower at
50 per visit. Full details of this plan will be available on Health Insurance Authority website. This looks like a very good option in your case.

2. PMI 44 16; price 1050per adult, 937 for a 25 yr old; if day to day cover is not a necessity, this is a good alternative option.
Similar cover to PMI 36 13 with the exception of the inpatient and day case excess amount 150 per admission.
This may be an option for the 25 yr old.
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Regards, Snowyb
thank you snowyb for your helpful responses on all health insurance matters. We are a family of 5, two adults on PMI3613 and three kids on one plan +.

I had read an earlier response of yours to someone in similar circumstances and had looked up laya simplicity for us adults and whatever you recommended at the time for the kids. Seems to be significantly cheaper than VHI. Am I missing anything?

Only think we have claimed for previously is maternity cover (which won't be needed again ) and day case in beacon for the kids for grommets and adenoid operations.

Thanks in advance
Hi Kerrygrrrl,

There are lists of price increases from 1 Jan 2017 which will affect your renewal date mid January.
Simplicity plan is a good alternative to PMI 36 13 which is not going up in price in the next month anyway.
There is a difference in the day to day excess on both plans; PMI 36 13 excess 1 euro per person. Simplicity excess 100 euro per person.
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A similar VHI alternative option is PMI 43 16 price 1131pa which will be launched on 31/12/2016.
The only difference is the hospital excess 150 per admission or 50 per day case.

The cheapest VHI child option will be One + Plan which is half price from 31/12/2016 until 28/2/2017 - 145 per child.
The children can stay with VHI while the adults switch to Laya Simplicity if you want.

There is also a good childrens offer with Laya Essential Connect Family whereby you pay for the 1st child and the rest of the children go free.
Price 227pa. ( for all 3 children).
This plan covers public, private and Beacon hospital. Private excess 300 per year regardless of the number of people on the policy.

Regards, Snowyb
Hi Kerrygrrrl,

There are lists of price increases from 1 Jan 2017 which will affect your renewal date mid January.
Simplicity plan is a good alternative to PMI 36 13 which is not going up in price in the next month anyway.
There is a difference in the day to day excess on both plans; PMI 36 13 excess 1 euro per person. Simplicity excess 100 euro per person.
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A similar VHI alternative option is PMI 43 16 price 1131pa which will be launched on 31/12/2016.
The only difference is the hospital excess 150 per admission or 50 per day case.

The cheapest VHI child option will be One + Plan which is half price from 31/12/2016 until 28/2/2017 - 145 per child.
The children can stay with VHI while the adults switch to Laya Simplicity if you want.

There is also a good childrens offer with Laya Essential Connect Family whereby you pay for the 1st child and the rest of the children go free.
Price 227pa. ( for all 3 children).
This plan covers public, private and Beacon hospital. Private excess 300 per year regardless of the number of people on the policy.

Regards, Snowyb
Snowyb Thanks so much. I will check those options out. Much appreciated. Happy new year!

Thanks a million for the very informative reply snowyb. Will check out the recommendations.
I'm in the same boat as Up Rovers with PMI 36 13 up for renewal. Thanks snowyb for alerting us about the new plan PMI 43 16. That sounds like a good alternative.
My only worry is that, God forbid, something bad health-wise, crops up for me this coming year, will I be covered adequately? I don't want to be told I should have stuck with PMI 36 13!!

Plan PMI 43 16 is a similar plan to PMI 36 13, the only difference being the inpatient excess is 150 compared to 75. The day case excess is 50
compared to 75. Hospital cover is the same and there are extra gp visits on PMI 43 16.
So there is no need to worry, you will be adequately covered.

Hi Snowyb,

Just looking for your views on VHI's advice on options other than PMI3613. I rang them the other day and they were steering me closer to PMI 1011 rather than PMI 4316. They mentioned that 4316 only has 90% cover on Special Procedures + Cardiac in Blackrock and Mater. I did read carefully through both to-day and would not be interested in 1011 as there is so little difference in premium that it would not be worth the bother to change. I understand the higher excesses on 4316. Any views on that 90% cover only?

You did mention on another thread a long time back that the Blackrock and Mater were taking the 20% hit on ortha/ortho and I'm also wondering if this is still the case? In a hip replacement situation would this apply?

Thanks for your help.
Hello , wondering if you can give me some advice with my health insurance . I'm a 77 year old female with no serious health issues . Insured with vhi health plus access plan for 2, 045.58 euros .
Living in the south of Ireland and may only need access to hospitals in cork . I also have a medical card . Could you please advice me on a more affordable health plan with vhi .
Thank you
Up Rovers,

The 90% cover for special procedures + cardiac in Mater Private and Blackrock Clinic is not a problem. There is 100% cardiac cover on PMI 43 16. The 10% shortfall for special procedures would be waived by these hi-tech hospitals. The 20% orthopaedic shortfall would also be waived as mentioned before - including hip, knee or shoulder replacement surgery in these 2 hi-tech hospitals.
Other private hospitals may charge this 20% shortfall to the patient.

Regarding 90% cover for special procedures in Mater Private and Blackrock Clinic, this is also the same level of cover on the expensive plans like
old Plan B, B Options, etc. See attached link.
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Patricia maher,

Welcome to AAM. The Healthplus Access plan you are on at the moment has full cover for orthopaedic surgery in private and hi-tech hospitals,
it also has no excess to pay on admission or for day case procedures. Alternative plans with VHI would have full orthopaedic cover but would
include an excess amount 75 or 125 to pay if you were admitted to a private or hi-tech hospital for a stay or day case.

Alternative plan details as follows;
1. Healthplus Excess; price 1799pa; same hospital cover as before, with an excess of 75 to pay if admitted to a private or hi-tech hospital
for a stay or day case. There is no excess to pay in any public hospital.

2. Health Access; price 1645pa; same hospital cover as before, with an excess of 125 to pay if admitted to a private or hi-tech hospital
for a stay or day case. No excess applies to any public hospital.

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Regards, Snowyb
Thanks again, Snowyb esp. for the update on the Mater Private and Blackrock Clinic.

This is probably a silly question but I'm assuming everything you have said above applies to the Mater Private in Cork as well (shortfall waiver, etc)?

It's not a silly question, the Mater Private Cork is classed as a private hospital for health insurance purposes.
So, all surgery is fully covered under VHI PMI 43 15 plan, with an excess of 150 payable on admission, except certain orthopaedic surgery -
ie hip, knee and shoulder replacement surgery which has 80% cover. I only know and have experience of Mater Private Dublin and Blackrock
Clinic. It doesn't specify on Mater Private Cork website about waiving shortfalls for this surgery so you would need to verify for sure, one way
or the other. I wouldn't just assume it applies to that hospital as well, it may well not be the case.
There is always to travel to Dublin as an alternative option.

Regards, Snowyb