Neighbour claims RoW through my property and has demolished the hedge/partition.


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Hi, just wondering if anyone can offer some advice please.

Have a neighbour who is pretty deranged but that's neither here nor there.

Neighbour has been giving us hell for a few years and is a general bully but recently has claimed a right of way through our property even though he doesn't need one for access anyway.

There is definitely no right of way through our property but he claims there is seeing as a former tenant of his had permission to go through but only on one occasion.

He has just demolished the hedge/partition that divides our property completely with a bulldozer. We phoned the police and they say there is nothing they can do even though he keeps trespassing like this.

I asked him to prove or claim his right of way through the court system before but obviously he never did as he knows he's wasting his time and money but instead he just decides to take matters into his own hands and take down the land divide altogether.

How can you do this and get away with it?

Be very grateful for any help anyone can offer and thanks in advance for anyone who does!

Forgot to add, am seeing a solicitor tomorrow but surely its up to him to prove or claim right of way rather than me disproving it?
The blunt simple answer is that you should build a wall/fence that is clearly on your side of the division-making sure from deeds etc that it is clearly on your side. (Hopefully you have access to deeds, maps etc which contain details of ROWs etc)

But it would be wrong for me or anyone else to give proper advice without knowing the full facts which doubtless the solicitor will seek tomorrow.

Hope you are taking photos/videos.
Hi thanks a million for the reply!
Yes, have all deeds and maps which do not indicate any burdens or right of ways etc. person is a known troublemaker and unfortunately, wall etc. is not really a practical answer as the divide in question is a field. He has just taken down the hedgerow(clay embankment with trees and shrubbery etc.) in a number of places which makes less sense as if was claiming right of way surely there should be one access point not just where ever and however many he see's fit, but that again is straying from the point as we have been there almost 50 yrs and he only a few yrs and certainly no historic right of way.

I thought that it would be put to bed, as asked him to do it legally which he has never done and doesn't seem to want to. How do you make someone stop doing this? Surely, trespassing is a non entity when you can just reply to someone well I have a right of way through here so I'll get off when you prove don't! Sounds very odd to me but that's the way it looks.

What stops him from knocking another type of fence, should we errect one anyway. We already tried to reinstate one part which has been there from living memory and he just raised it to the ground again.

Also, yes have all photos etc. before and after.
Sounds like a difficult situation. Building a wall-clearly on your side would work. This would then not be a party wall, but something on your property, which he would not be able to touch (should not be able to touch)
Just one question-you said you phoned the Police-Are you living in Ireland or the UK?
I think a solicitor will be your best way forward. Can you take him to court for destruction of property? Erecting new fences isn't cheap, and there was no reason for him to raze yours.
If he has cleared the Hedge/clay fence , I would be afraid he will try to creep in and take some of the ground on which old ditch sat on.

You need a solicitor and need this resolved now as from what you say this boyo ain,t going away.

Make sure you stay on the facts, make sure you log/photo what you can.

I wish you luck as awkward neighbours are hell .
Thanks so much for the responses! I really appreciate it very much. Its a bit of a nightmare to be honest.

Am seeing a solicitor on Wednesday so hopefully that will help. I'm very eager to see what can be done as I never heard of such a situation before. Its quite frightening to be honest as anyone can come and lay claim to your property by the looks of it and the Police or Gardai can do nothing for you. (Living in Ireland Luternau) I'm dumbfounded by this, as its a civil matter, I can go and knock a path into anyone's garden and you'll have to take the time and money to bring me to court just to stop me.

Salmon, I'm also afraid he's going to try to encroach now that he has demolished the existing ditch and has cleared the area of any former markers.

Have carefully photographed all the area before and after so hopefully that will help.

Anyway, an acquaintance, who is a barrister, recommended to a solicitor who is very knowledgeable apparently in this area so hopefully that will sort him out. Its such a waste of time and money pursuing something that you ordinarily take for granted but in this case it looks as though that's the way its going to be.

Anybody have any ideas whether I should wait and have him put the ditch back in or if I would be wrong to put it back myself?

Have temporarily blocked one site as he removed it with stock in the field leaving them free to roam the country freely, luckily they didn't! Also, if stock did wander out and cause accident, who is liable? I was told by insurance many years ago that if third party causes stock to get out that they are responsible i.e. unlocking a gate etc.
Surely there is also an issue with him destroying existing and long-established hedgerow from an environmental point of view? Not sure what the legalities of that are but I thought that was a difficult thing to get permission for.
Surely there is also an issue with him destroying existing and long-established hedgerow from an environmental point of view? Not sure what the legalities of that is but I thought that was a difficult thing to get permission for.
It's illegal to cut or destroy hedgerows at this time of year:

Section 40 of the Wildlife Act 1976, incorporating section 46 of the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000

(a) It shall be an offence for a person to cut, grub, burn or otherwise destroy, during the period beginning on the 1st day of March and ending on the 31st day of August in any year, any vegetation growing on any land not then cultivated.

(b) It shall be an offence for a person to cut grub, burn or otherwise destroy any vegetation growing in any hedge or ditch during the period mentioned in paragraph (a ) of this subsection.

(2) Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply in relation to (a) the destroying, in the ordinary course of agriculture or forestry, of any vegetation growing on or in any hedge or ditch;
(b) the cutting or grubbing of isolated bushes or clumps or gorse, furze or whin or the mowing of isolated growths or fern in the ordinary course of agriculture.

(c) The cutting, grubbing or destroying of vegetation in the course of any works being duly carried out for reasons of public health or safety by a Minister or the Government or a body established or regulated by or under a statute.

(cc) the clearance of vegetation in the course of fisheries development works carried out by the Central Fisheries Board or a regional fisheries board in the exercise of its functions under the Fisheries Acts, 1959 to 1999;

(d) the destroying of any noxious weed to which the Noxious Weeds Act 1936, applies

(e) the clearance of vegetation in the course of road or other construction works or in the development or preparation of sites on which any building or other structure in intended to be provided.

(f) The removal or destruction of vegetation required by a notice served by the Minister under section 62(1) of the Act of 1946 to be removed or destroyed;

The National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government - information line at Freephone 1800 40 50 00 from 9am to 5pm.

You can also contact the relevant conservation rangers from the National Parks and Wildlife Service for your county.

Offences of Section 40 of the wildlife act can also be reported to Gardai.
Thats also a good point ladies which I hadn't thought of even but very true. He didn't just cut the ditch/hedgerow, he completely obliterated it and the possible fauna living within it. I shall be pointing that out to the Gardai and the my solicitor too.
If you're not sure who to contact the farming and forestry section of might be useful.
Will do! I'm seeing my solicitor tomorrow so will point it out to him also. Will be sure to inform the Gardai also. He is so blind sided into trying to antagonise us, that things like that are of no consequence to him, which isn't right either. The law is supposed to be there for everyone to abide, not just when it suits. I have all my documentation and photos to hand, so hopefully we can put a stop to all this. Bullying doesn't just happen at school it seems. Pensioners aren't even safe from them.
Even if he had right of way, this does not give him any right to remove a hedgrow. Right of way would mean that he would have the right to use a gate in the hedge or something like that.
Right of way

You will have to pull this guy up before the Circuit Court immediately and get an injunction to stop the trespass and an order that he reinstate the fence and whatever else he demolished. Your Solicitor should handle it for you.
Thanks again, quick update..
Saw solicitor, of course he agrees that its totally off the wall. So he has sent him a letter to reinstate the hedges/ditch etc. within 14 days etc etc or court proceedings will ensue. For the letter and consultation etc its already cost €800.. Gasp! So unfair that we ahve done nothing wrong and have to take this route stop this lunatic. :-( If it does go to court we are advised to seek costs with a good chance. Fingers crossed!
Why are some people so horrid?
Have you contacted the Dept. of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government? If you send them your photographic evidence and details of the offence, they state that it's their policy to prosecute - it might save you a lot of money to let them go after this person for you.

Section 40 of​
the Wildlife act 1976 as amended by Section 46 of the Wildlife (Amendment Act) 2000. It is a policy of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to prosecute where there appears to have been a breach of the law. More information is available on under Policy.

Thats a good idea as my solicitor didn't pay any attention to that which was disappointing but maybe I will just contact them myself anyway.
Thanks delgirl!
Hi Peeved, seems like a nightmare but as you are finding out the law in terms of civil issues IMHO very much against the offended party as seems to be your case.
As a word of caution, your solicitor probably seemed disinterested in the environment issues because it was not central to your case or he/she does not think that it will have much clout.
I'm pretty sure that the DoEHLG will not do much if they think it's a civil issue but as it relates to your boundaries it might be harm in going to the local council and investigating planning files, talk to the environment and planning sections and see if there are any breaches from any of their points of view. I'd not get your hopes up too much (from experience) but you may get a good one that may help. Hard as it might be, when discussing with them, try not to get lost on the civil issues and focus on their remit asking advice and then see if they will take action. I know some of these are long shots but the person you are dealing with seems like he needs to be tackled on as many fronts as possible.
There are some really nasty people out there, who also won't be told or can't be negotiated with, unfortunately you got one of them next to you. I speak from past experience and know that the law is a poor servant in such unprovoked cases but usually eventually you will get to the end of it.
If nothing else hopefully people on here can continue to give you support and advice.
Hi Woodie, thanks for the great message!
Its very helpful getting advice and support I have to say, as its just boggling to think that this sort of thing can happen. Its the same as someone stealing from you or abusing you. Funny thing is, the powers that be would probably all too happy to nab me if I took an apple off my neighbours tree but my neighbour can not only trespass, but try to steal my property in broad daylight and there's nothing anyone can do! You really start to lose faith in the system. I have emailed the authorities already supplied by posters here and they have promptly replied and were very interested. Even if there is nothing done at least if they admonish him for doing this on wildlife grounds, it might just be another step to show he can not just do as he pleases, when he pleases.
Really fed up of him now. Can see how this sort of thing drives people crazy!