I have never watched X Factor

Duke of Marmalade

Registered User
I have inadvertently caught snatches of X Factor but nothing that would induce me to the full experience. According to the Sunday Tribune I am probably unique in this regard.
Never have watched it either

Though I rent by Ballyfermot and most shops have signs for Mary Byrne
Tesco too have jumped on the bandwagon, getting publicity for themselves.

Watched her once on youtube to see what the hype was about and thought she was great.
Then watched another video and didn't like it at all

The producers must love having an Irish candidate to pull in more viewers and votes. ;)
If I was bedridden and had only one channel I think I would still turn it off.

A nation is as sick as the tripe it watches on TV.

It's not all bad. Every year there is one or two very talented individuals on the show and I tune in for them. This is where Sky + comes in handy, you can fastforward the ones you don't like.

Go to youtube again and search for Rebecca Ferguson, and Matt Cardle. They are my two favourites this year and will both go far.
They are my two favourites this year and will both go far.

You seem to have info. :)
If I was looking to make some money from Paddy Power where should I put my money?

Matt Cardle 2.62
Rebecca Ferguson 3.00
One Direction 4.50
Cher Lloyd 9.00
Aiden Grimshaw 21.00
Mary Byrne 26.00
Paije Richardson 34.00
Wagner Fiuza-Carriho 34.00
Katie Waissel 51.00
Treyc Cohen 51.00
Lol :)

It doesn't take a talent scout to see the musical ability pour out of the two of them - they ooze talent and are very unique. I would buy either of their albums if they released tomorrow. I get excited to hear them every week.

One Direction - not my cuppa. But I do have teenage sisters who swoon weekly when they see them. They will go far, but only because of hormones ;)

The talent always stands out.
I have, unfortunately.

I wonder when it will have run its course, a la Big Brother?
Sky plus is a dream for watching shows like this, you can fast forward all the sob stories and just hear the singing.

It's the sob stories that get me, can't bloody stand them. Do people not realise how cringeworthy their blabbering is.
Sky plus is a dream for watching shows like this, you can fast forward all the sob stories and just hear the singing.

If I feel the urge to see any of the acts I just go to youtube and watch them - saves having to watch all the filler and rubbish thats on in between.
It's more entertainment than a genuine talent show like the excellent Sky show on a few months back. And in fairness to X Factor, it entertains a lot of people and makes a lot of money.
If I feel the urge to see any of the acts I just go to youtube and watch them - saves having to watch all the filler and rubbish thats on in between.

ah but then you wouldn't see Simon tripping and falling as they go to an ad break, priceless!
I cannot stand x-factor but more than the show itself I cannot stand the people on radio on a Monday and in the papers discussing it in depth like it's something meaningful - trying to work out Simons thoughts etc and discussing various competitors - I actually turn off the radio on a Monday morning now! . Was in a pub over Halloween and the entire pub was watching x-factor, they turned off the music and hired up the tv and people were glued to it? :rolleyes:
Another x-factor non-viewer here - although I did see about 15 mins of a program on Sunday because it was on one of the gym's TVs but thankfully I didn't have to listen to it as the sound was off!

I blame karaoke machines myself for fooling folk into thinking they can sing!
I hate the fact that some people see it as the only way of becoming a 'music star' these days. You listen to the sob stories and watch them cry at the drop of a hat, yet I always think if they were really as talented as the judges keep telling us they are, then they might have already done something in the music world?

Perhaps I'm just being too picky on them, but lets be honest some of them are just wasting their time and getting their hopes up. They have zero chance of making a living out of music.

You only have to look at the likes of the Jools Holland Show, and even artists like Imelda May, The Script, Mumford & Sons, 2 Door Cinema Club, Florence & The Machine, Eliza Doolittle, Cee Lo Green, Ellie Goulding, Marina & The Diamonds, etc. None of them needed the X Factor to make it, did they? Perhaps because they had real talent, and not just a decent voice. We all know that the country is coming down with good singers, but thats not the only requirement to be a 'star'.