Woodworm - replace or treat timbers


Registered User

I have an old outhouse that needs re-roofing. It has the traditional slate over timber rafters.

I am not sure how old the roof is, but the building shows up on the 1847 ordinance survey map.

Anyhow, the rafters, collars etc have woodworm. Whether they are active or not, I am not sure. I suspect yes. The slates are slipping a lot and thus the wet was getting in a little over the years.

Anyhow, the builder thinks most of the wood is in fairly good nick and just needs to be treated. Some replacement rafters would be required (where extensive wet damage). I intend to use new slates, laths and felt. The wood is a good hardwood, rafters all fairly big and close together.

In general would treating wood get rid of the woodworm? Having spoken to a few woodworm experts, they say yes (but they would say that for business??). One guy recommended Microtech which treats and prevents. It also treats fungal infections (wet ~& dry rot). Micortech is one of these eco friendly products which can be applied using a knapsack. “It is based on the pyrethroid insecticide permethrin”.

The building is 94 ft long x 14ft either side of the ridge. Replacing the timbers would cost a bit, but would it be cheaper in the long-term?

I am just a little afriad of leaving the existing timbers there, treating them and then not getting rid of the woodworm or it returning a few year later.
Treating is perfectly acceptable. Most of the available treatments will also prevent further attack.

The next generation of beetle will start to emerge from the timbers around April, the presence of a dust/powder around areas with flight holes will indicate they are still active.
thanks Leo. timbers are still strong so I was just a little afraid treatment would not be effective.