woodworm in roof timbers


Registered User
any suggestions to the most superior woodworm eradicator/preservative possibly hardener for some fairly hammered roof timbers.

Had the pros look at it and said it will be fine after a good spray and they'll will never be reinfested.

So planning to spend a few hours up there myself, Any ideas what the best product on the market

or indeed what the wood services crowd would use, going to be a nasty job so want to do it properly first time

I think you would be better getting one of the recognized companies to do it. A potential purchaser of your house or their surveyor will want to know that the property was properly treated. You will get a certificate and 10 year guarantee from one of the companies.

I agree with Brendan, Potnoodler! The most effective chemicals used are highly toxic and do need specialist application especially if you are working above you. I understand from the specialist firm who treated some floor-joists in my home that there is an optimal stage of larval development (just before they prepare to fly, combined with ambient temperature) when treatment is completely effective.
No idea how much the pros charge, but I treated the attic in my own place shortly after buying it. I used Protim (http://www.protim.ie/) as recommended by a few of the builders providers. You can buy this in most DIY and builders providers in 5 litre tins, but it you're treating a typical attic, I'd suggest the larger 25 litre drums as a more economical way to purchase. The "Universal" was recommended as having a less offensive smell!

I used a garden knapsack style sprayer to treat the timbers, using a long lance meant I could easily reach into the edges and didn't have to treat directly above me (there will be drips, best try not to be under them).

Any work in the attic isn't the most pleasant as a rule, especially this time of year, and this is a nasty job! Standard face mask won't do the job, the fumes will become too much in such a confined space before very long. Oh, and make sure you protect your eyes!

You should also check all other timbers in the house; I ended up ripping up all the upstairs floor and treating the joists as well.

Ah, enjoy???
Ta for the concern folks, all duely noted but I've a little bit of practical experience with spray painting so know whats involved . Toxic it may well be but if you're well covered and masked tis no bother , and most treatments can also be brush applied. As for buyers/surveyors or valuers -how many of those really look at the roof timbers (I know mine didn't).Cheers for the protim link twas what I was looking for, and Ninsaga the pros wanted €500 from me thats why I'm going spending a ton or so on the fluids and half a saturday banging my head of the rafters
haha pity all the good competitions are only to the UK only, love ta get one of those delivered to a certain (very professional) friends workplace