woodworm: fairly serious infestation in roof timbers


Registered User
having recently sprayed the roof timbers above for a fairly serious woodworm infestation (have tested and replaced any damaged supports),it has been suggested to me that a way to battle the beetle and others is by simply placing a fly vapourizer in the attic to kill the cycle-any opinions on this
Re: woodworm

Yes this is a suggested method, presuming your water storage tanks are already well covered. However I understood that woodworm infestation was only found in timbers with a high moisture content, so if you keep the moisture content down with good ventilation that a re-occurrence shouldn't be a problem. Although I think the "fly vapourizer" is probably a wise move.
Re: woodworm

I need to do something similar - what is fly vaopurizer and how does it work?
Re: woodworm

It's like one of those "Vapona" blocks that you used to be able to get years ago. Alos you can get a special "trap" which attracts the female common furniture beetle adult, this will indicate if laying females are still exiting previously infested timbers.
Re: woodworm

Cheers for that,think i've got it fairly sorted after the spraying but for piece of mind and the simplicity of it reckon it's worth it.
Surprised that its not well known about as it was the first time of heard about it even though I suppose tis fairly obvious if you think of a insect lifecycle
Re: woodworm

potnoodler said:
Cheers for that,think i've got it fairly sorted after the spraying but for piece of mind and the simplicity of it reckon it's worth it.
Surprised that its not well known about as it was the first time of heard about it even though I suppose tis fairly obvious if you think of a insect lifecycle

My father bought these furniture beetle traps for detecting the presence of furniture beetle in a storage facility. He buys in a framing materials which are often machined from exotic timbers from exotic locations and occasionally these timbers can have small insect holes.
Re: woodworm

Carpenter said:
My father bought these furniture beetle traps for detecting the presence of furniture beetle in a storage facility. He buys in a framing materials which are often machined from exotic timbers from exotic locations and occasionally these timbers can have small insect holes.

Hi Carpenter, where can you get these traps?
Re: woodworm

He bought them from the supplier of his framing materials AFAIK (this was a number of years ago)- Lion Picture Framing in Manchester. You could try the Damp Store in Blackrock; the trap relies on a pheromone to attract the insects.