Will moving jobs affect my mortgage loan offer


Registered User

Myself and my partner are in a bit of a situation. We have a loan offer from a particular bank. The offer expires in about three weeks. The offer has expired a few times at this stage and they have always extended same no problem(all they ask for are a few of our last pay slips). It looks like our house will be ready in about 7--8 weeks. The problem is that my partner(analyst in the financial sector) has given notice in his current job only last week and is starting a new job in three weeks(better paid etc). My solicitor reccomends drawing the mortgage down early and not taking a chance going back to the bank and asking them to extend the mortgage(in case they ask for something from our employers that we are still in our current jobs longer than 6 months etc). This would mean paying 4--5 weeks mortgage payment for no reason. Will any bank take in to consideration moving to a better job etc and still give a mortgage. Has anyone been in this position before.

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You would be well advised to do what your solicitor is suggesting. It is so difficult to get mortgages currently and you are lucky to have the offer so take it. 1 month's mortgage is not a lot.