Will I have to pay stamp duty?


Registered User
I am in the process of becoming legally seperated/divorced and am hoping to buy a house costing €285000. Will I have to pay stamp duty?
You may be able to qualify as a FTB - see the thread linked above. If you buy a new build under 125sqm then you are exempt anyway. If you buy second hand as a FTB then you are exempt. If you buy second hand as a non FTB then SD will apply unless under the exemption threshild (€127K).
if you are legagly separated/divorced and are not getting any proceeds from the sale of the familyl home, then you will be seen as a FTB. however if you are getting money from it then you will no longer be a FTB.
Thanks Apple, that puts a different slant on things. I was hoping to use my settlement as a deposit.
"if you are legagly separated/divorced and are not getting any proceeds from the sale of the familyl home, then you will be seen as a FTB. however if you are getting money from it then you will no longer be a FTB."

This is not correct. Below is the correct position from Revenue website:

"A spouse to a marriage the subject of a decree of judicial separation, a deed of separation, a decree of divorce or a decree of nullity in the case of the first acquisition of a house by the spouse following the separation or divorce provided that the spouse had, in relation to the former marital home,
• left that home;
• not retained an interest in that home;
whose separated/former spouse continues to occupy that home, which home was occupied by both spouses prior to the separation or dissolution of the marriage."

apologies yes it means the other partner is still in the house. The op did not state whether the house was being sold off or if she was just leaving..
Thank you all for the info. I am the one who has left the home but it will take a while for the seperation to be final so hopefully house prices will fall by then...