Motor Will existing learner driver insurance apply now that test is passed?


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Son passed his test on Friday. He applied for his licence yesterday and was told he can now drive solo while awaiting his actual licence. I haven't contacted our insurance company yet to advise that he passed his test.
My question is this: As he is still insured as a learner driver, needing an accompanying adult, can he drive alone today given he has his full license? Or will he have to wait until I contact the insurance company tomorrow? Hoping someone working in motor insurance can reply. Thanks.
If it was me I would wait until I had it in writing that I was covered to drive alone. Far too much at stake to be taking a chance.
In the same boat. My son passed his test on Friday. Zurich says they need a copy of his full driving licence before he's insured to drive on his own - so he'll have to wait a week or so.
I spoke to the insurance broker today and was told they'd need a copy of his licence in order to update the policy, but that he can drive unaccompanied straight away. So that's the opposite to what you were told Montbretia :oops:. Might err on the side of caution!
I spoke to the insurance broker today and was told they'd need a copy of his licence in order to update the policy, but that he can drive unaccompanied straight away. So that's the opposite to what you were told Montbretia :oops:. Might err on the side of caution!
Remember, like I said, you have nothing in writing if he/she has an accident. Don't be silly.
Remember, like I said, you have nothing in writing if he/she has an accident. Don't be silly.

Some people are afraid of their own shadow.

The kid passed his test.. That was a stipulation on his insurance, dont drive unaccompanied on a learner permit. He didnt.

He now has a full licence since the moment the instructor said congratulations. He is fully compliant with all regulations to drive solo. He can drive solo instantly, without any restrictions as much as the next full licence holder.

The logical next step is to notify the insurance to inform them of his success and see if there will be a premium refund of any sort coming his way.
He now has a full licence since the moment the instructor said congratulations. He is fully compliant with all regulations to drive solo. He can drive solo instantly, without any restrictions as much as the next full licence holder.

You see therin lies the 'problem', a certificate of competency and a learners permit do not a full license make.
They must be submitted to the NDLS and upon the requisite fees being paid a full license will/may be issued.

Just this afternoon my youngest passed her test and we rang her insurer, Aviva, who told us she will not be covered to drive unaccompanied until they are in receipt of a copy of her full licence.
No, ifs, buts, maybes, etc. they are Avivas rules, maybe others differ, maybe they don't, but as I have said many times before with regards to insurance
it is extremely reckless and indeed foolhardy to make any assumptions.
Thanks for all replies. It seems there are different rules with different insurance companies. Hopefully the full licence will arrive by the weekend. Congrats to the other kids who also passed their tests.