Wife being made redundant

What the

Registered User
Hi all,

My wife has just been told she will be made redundant after 4.5 years. We had our 1st child in Jan and she was not due back to work until late September as she had planned on taking 3 months unpaid on top of her 6 months. I have a few questions on how we might handle the situation.

As she is still on maternity leave and she is entitled to 3 months notice does the fact that from July 1 she is on unpiad leave mean the employer can use those 3 months and they will not have to pay her 3 months wages.

Thankfully I make a good salary so financially we are still fine but will she be means tested for umemployment or is she automatically entitled to it for a certain period. If so how much would she be entitled to.

Is redundancy based on basic pay or what is on the P60. She has a a few BIK company car and VHI. Her Basic was 41k but P60 said 46k

Her pension is defined benefit but the fund is in deficit. What happens here. Should we wait and see or take cash now in case its wound up.

What else should we be on lookout for.
Thankfully I make a good salary so financially we are still fine but will she be means tested for umemployment or is she automatically entitled to it for a certain period. If so how much would she be entitled to.
She will be entitled to JB based on PRSI contributiosn paid in 2008, which is not means-tested; see keypost guide.