When do you give deposit back?


Registered User
A question for all you landlords/landladys, When do you usually give tenants that have moved out there deposit back?

I moved out on Friday and the landlord has said he will check the house and call me. It is now tuesday and i have not heard from him so i was wondering is this the norm.

Also what reasons would you have for not giving the deposit back in full?

Thanking you in advance
I`m a landlord and the way I did it was turn up on the last day looked around to see if everything was good, called the ESB and Gas to see if anything was outstanding (there wasnt as they had paid up and closed the a/c) and then gave it back.

You can keep some or all if sufficient damage was done to the property (I`m sure you would have said if there was) so in light of no outstanding bills or damage there is no reason you cant have it all back now.

If they are being at all shifty send a registered letter and keep copies of all correspondance. If they dont give it back call the PRTB. In fact its theft as its your money.

Hope that helps
Well i have the gas and esb transferred already just waiting on the final bill. There was no major damage that I caused, but the gas boiler broke the day before christmas eve and it cost a lot to repair but that was not my fault. I left a cot and two full bags of baby things there to be collected on thursday so maybe hes waiting till then but i thought he would have phoned.
I might call over to him and just ask him straight out if there is a problem.
Klesser, it may simply be that he is busy. The fact that he has not contacted you yet may also be that he trusts that nothing is untoward and it is not a priority for him. Just contact him and ask for it to be sorted as you need the money.
Thats probably it actually. Gas boiler is there responsibility so dont worry about that, in my experience they wont keep it if they are legitimate anyway as they wont want any hassle. If you broke the terms of your contact then that might be a problem but if not it`ll prob be plain sailing.

Good luck
He is more than likely waiting until all the stuff is gone and then he will give it back to you. I know we had tenants who said they would be back for some boxes. three weeks later they came shouting for the deposit and we made them take the stuff first. As far as I could see it was just rubbish that they didn't want the hassel of dumping. Once everyting was gone they got the cash no bother.
He knows you are coming round on Thursday so more than likely he will give it to you then.
He will also need proof that you have paid the final bills for gas etc. When out tenants move out we tell them to request the final bills the day they go and usually it is all soted within a week. They go into the ESB for the bill and that saves postage time.
I have everything moved since wednesday. I tried to ring him twice and left voicemails but he has not rang me back. I was there for nearly three years and never caused any problems. Im getting a little worried now. €750 is a lot of money to me.
Any suggestions?
keep ringing him give him the weekend. If still nothing i would take a trip to your local garda station. Do you have proof that you gave him the deposit?
If still nothing i would take a trip to your local garda station.

This is a civil matter, not a criminal one. The Gardaí would not be able to do anything. The PRTB would be the appropriate agency to make a complaint to. That said, if the OP goes that route it could take months to resolve.
anything in the lease?

I have lease where deposit is returned within 30 days of moving out, subject to all being in order in the house. Deductions will be made if deemed necessary, with procedure for negotiation/mediation if the deduction cannot be agreed.
Hi all and thanks for the replies. I never actually signed a lease agreement but i have a receipt for the deposit and a standing order was set up to pay rent. Sure il try ring him again next week or call over and then im giving up.