What to do with overheated car?


Registered User

I am just back from a 3hr journey in my little 1litre car. As i got near home i noticed the gage had went above 90. Usually its between 70 and 90. Then i heard a funny noise. So i stopped turned of everything. Left it for 15mins. I got home anyways the car seemed ok. The gage had dropped a bit not back to where it usually is.

Should i bring it to a garage to have it looked at? Or might it just have been the journey, car has never been drove for 3hrs straight. Could the noise have been a fan belt? Is there anything i can check or to to see if car is ok? I have to go on a bit of a trip again tomorrow.
Iwould advise to have a mechanis look at it. It could be one of the following:-
1. Thermostat Trouble.
2. Weathered / Leaking Hose.
3. Fanbelt - if utilised.
4. Electric Fan.
5. Head Gasket Trouble.
6. Leaking Cockpit Radiator.
7. Leaking Main Radiator.
The above represents a compact list of contributing problems that would point in the direction of above normal Temps. Check it out before you could potentially seize your engine.
This happens to us all. Unfortunately the problem is unlikely to just go away, Have your car serviced, preferebly by the dealership (unfortunately).
This has happened to me before - check the rad...........mine had nothing in it & the whole engine was smoking by the time I stopped........filled it with water & waited for it to cool down & its grand again now........
Check this first before you get it serviced - if thats all it is you just need to put some water in. & while you are at it check the oil!!

Thanks for the replies. I have checked the car for water, coolent,oil, etc. Everything seems ok. have started it and brought it for 15mins drive and the temp gage is back to normal.

Horse, I not too friendly with my local dealer as when i got my car back last time it was unfit to drive and very dangerous (brake trouble).
The car just had it nct a a month ago and fully serviced before it.
Thanks again well if problem persists il take it to a garage.

Blinkbelle - if you were driving for 3 hours then you would expect the engine to get hot *BUT* given that yesterday was not exactly a hot day and you were driving at night time so it was cooler again you would normally expect the combination of the cool air in the environment and your radiator to be able to keep up with the heat generated by the engine. Did you spend any amount of time stuck in traffic towards the end of the trip ? This would have reduced the effect of the cool air. We have had our engine blow up twice on us because of cooling problems and as a result I take any signs of overheating seriously.

With regard to Horses suggestion - if you don't like whatever dealer/mechanic you went to last time then go to someone else - you're not contractually committed to go with only one person, especially when you feel he didn't do a good job last time.

hi zag,

yes i got stuck behind a big lorry and we were travelling at about 40 for about 30mins at the end of journey. Then we got stuck in mc donalds drivtru for about 20mins (i didnt turn off car) thats when we noticed the gage went up. Then when got food and took of there was a noise like part of car about to fall of. so we stopped and turned of car, let it cool for about 15mins and went home seemed ok then.

When your car overheated was the temp gage really in the red area?
Was what you heard the cooling fan turning itself on as the temperature went up and the needle pointed to the red area?