what rental will a well furnished 2 bed in rathgar rent for?


Registered User
I am thinking of buying a large 2 bed apt in Rathgar with ample parking for €550k, I have already 5 properties including a holiday home which is rented at peak times, with interest rate rises my total rental income is just covering all repayments on rental properties and holiday home. total L-V including PPR is about 50% which is quite good. what rental will a well furnished 2 bed in rathgar rent for, living in cork but may me working in dublin 3 days a week in a few years time or kids may end up in dublin long term, looking for advice, rough calculations state i need to put up about €150k between s-duty and refurbish costs
Re: Property Prices in Dublin?

Just check out daft.ie.

Simple as that.
Re: Property Prices in Dublin?

The yield on properties in this area is very poor.

Two similar properties listed on daft

[broken link removed]
For rent at €1,900 pm

[broken link removed]
For sale at €800,000

Thats only a yield of around 2.9%. You need to be aiming for around 6%-7%.

With rates likely to rise to 4.5% sometime next year. You are very unlikely to even cover your interest costs in this area.

My advise would be to look to somewhere you get at least a 5% yield or investment you money in a high interest account and get 5% risk free.
Re: Property Prices in Dublin?

What advice are you looking for?
BTW your title suggests that your post is going to breach the posting guidelines. It might be a good idea to change it (unless you are actually looking for property price advice, I'm not sure)
Re: Property Prices in Dublin?

His questions is " what rental will a well furnished 2 bed in rathgar rent for " and imo that question was answered by Bluetonic.
Re: Property Prices in Dublin?

Looking for some advice in general regarding rental potential in this area, as i mentioned i will be working in dublin in a few years and was thinking of investing now and renting although the capital outlay is fairly high, i will research the daft site