What are current rent levels for office space in rural town


Rud Annamh

I am looking for info on current rent levels for commercial (office) space in rural towns, for the purpose of renegotiating a current rental agreement.

I've looked at CBRE reports (Nov 2011: €107/m2), DAFT and Lisney, but if anyone knows where I could find other research figures, please let me know.

In my very recent experience in both Dublin and Cork, good Office space rentals can be had for 50 - 70 euro per sq mtr per year.

I tend to avoid the big agents in general as that's where the worst value is. If you track it carefully the big agents are quoting big rental prices but the property is just not moving.

Do a search on daft for the area under review. Make a few phone calls to places for rent and I think then you will soon discover the real rent levels.

The over supply is huge and real rent levels are on the floor.

Dont confuse advertised rents with realised rents. They're not the same.