Water Softener recommendations


Registered User
The mains water to my house is very limey. Very hard on dishwasher, kettle, shower, washing machine etc., and likely will not have an average life. Can anyone recommend a water softener / installation company in Munster area ? Anyone install one and notice the change ?
I put in an esoft (https://esoft.ie/) softener a few months ago. The lime scale tarnish/buildup in bathrooms has completely stopped and you can reduce the amount of detergent you add to clothes washes (from 60ml to 30ml I think). The water feels quite different when having a shower, soaps foam much more etc, you certainly notice something has changed.

You would only be softening the water that goes to your header tank in the attic though, not the supply to the main kitchen sink that you drink from. So it won’t help with the kettle. You might also find your dishwasher and washing machine is plumbed directly to the mains supply and not the header tank, so again that would not be softened without some plumbing work which may not may not be possible depending on the layout of your pipes.

For our four person family it is using about a bag of softener tablets a month, I think they’re €15-20 a bag but have not shopped around yet. Not a small figure over the long term!
I had a water softener installed by this company 2 years ago - https://www.crystalclearwater.ie/

It is connected to my mains supply (so feeds to everything). I also got an under sink water filter system, with a separate tap, to provide salt free drinking water.

This company will fit the softener outside, in a protective cabinet, which was perfect for my small kitchen. I use a 25kg bag of salt tablets every 4-6 weeks (cost 15 euro or so). Annual service and replacement of filters costs about 150 euro.

I appreciate they're not in Munster, but I understand they do travel, so worth a call.

No connection to the company other than as a customer.
I would advise getting someone local to you. I'm in Limerick and got someone in Cork to do the installation. He assured me that he would be back every year to change the UV bulb in our steriliser, He said I wouldn't even need to ring him, he would just turn up. Never saw him again despite numerous phone calls over the years. I finally gave up and use a Limerick company called roowatertreatment and I have found them very good.