Water ingress and mould in DCC Affordable property


Registered User
Hi Folks,
I purchased an AH from DCC end of June last year. Since Christmas I've noticed water starting to seep in along the kitchen end of my gable wall....initially thought it was due to cold weather/condensation and when I contacted my mgmt agency they confirmed this.

However in the last week or so, during a bout of major cleaning behind the couch etc, I spotted several patches of mould on my walls above the skirting board, mould along the beading of my wooden floors and it looks as if it's strating to flourish beneath my wooden floors as there is a fuzz-like growth appearing between the joins of my floorboards.

I've been onto the Mgmt agency again..suffice to say they are dodging my calls at the moment. I'm going to contact DCC now but I'm just wondering if anyone has had similar any issues of a structural nature and if DCC were of any use to them.

Did you get a structural survey done prior to purchase ? Is the house covered by Homebond ?