Valuation/inspection on new property


Registered User
In my mortgage offer document, one of the conditions is for a ``valuation, including a photograph, of the property... showing the valuation. A final inspection may be required for properties under construction/undergoing significant repair.’’

1. Does my deposit receipt from estate agent suffice for valuation (states value?
2. If the apartment is being built, would the ``final inspection’’ be getting engineer/other out to look at place, knock on walls, check pipes etc?

Have hired a solicitor for legal documentation etc. The offer document from bank says we should get legal advice before signing document. I haven’t finished reading through it all, but wanted to get an idea if solicitor should look over document as well. (I’m guessing it’s a standard doc. and they haven’t put in a clause that bank manager can live there rent free)
I'm not totally sure how it works for apartments but I doubt it is any different from new houses.

Your question 1. The receipt is not good enough for the banks, they usually want you to pay them around 100 euro to send a guy out to value the property. He will do a report about the state of the building and give his opinion on value, construction etc.

Question 2. Final inspection is done by the bank on the house when complete. The bank will not release the cheque until you have this final inspection, it is a common cause of delay on new houses that the final inspection hasn't been done and the solicitor is looking for the cheque from the bank. You would just call them and tell them that you will be looking for the cheque soon and the house is finished.