Ulster Bank Customer Service number?



I drew down a mortgage over 2 weeks ago ( after much hassle with UB ) and to date, they havent sent me any confirmation of any of my mortgage details. I dont know when they'll take the first direct debit, I dont know exactly how much it'll be , I dont know my mortgage account details so I cant apply for Tax relief at source.... I also cannot find any contact phone numbers for Ulster bank on their website so I cant ring them to get this information. Has anyone else got a phone number for their customer service people? I'm already considering switching mortgages before the first payment has been made!!!
We had a nightmare sorting out our mortgage with Ulster Bank but anyway the number for the Mortgage division is 1890 946 639. Make sure to write down the name of who you are talking to and the date and time. You will prob hear from UB soon (ish) anyway. I think they usually direct debit mortgages the first working day of every month.

Hope that helps.
I did a switcher mortgage with Ulsterbank and in the loan offer they included the mortgage account number AFAIK, the repayment amount and to the best of my knowledge the direct debit details came my way in the bumpf at one stage.

Regarding tax relief do a search in this forum for TRS and there is something about how to contact revenue directly regarding this.
good luck trying to get anything in writing from them. we have just drawn down the 2nd stage payment. That has taken 4 weeks and we only got half. im now on hold to them since 1.05!!! We never got anything from them to say when the first payment would go out, now they just take it every month..,. no letters since then confirming anything. our broker cant get any sense out of them. my local branch told me they are having staffing problems and this is causing issues. Thats one word for it.
I wrote a letter to the complaints dept as the first complaint letter to i sent to the mortgage dept in Feb was ignored.
The complaints dept have sent a letter to say they are looking into it!!!
we will be changing our mortgage when we get the full amount as ulster bank are crap to deal with......
Best of luck