UCI Advance Ticket Bookings


Registered User

Anyone else besides myself feel they are getting the short end of the stick from UCI ?

Both their website & telephone booking systems are charging a booking fee (its nothing hugh, approx 5% of the spend I think, but why ?)

As I see it, booking over the internet is an entirely automated process, hence UCI's processing costs are lower ... why should we pay a premium to help save them money ?

Likewise, if we book by telephone, we are booking at "off peak" times, not within 20 mins of the show starting, so their staff are not under the same pressure, queues are not as long etc. Again, why pay a premium when we are helping to take the pressure of UCI ?

Not like we are getting any benifits for booking in advance, such as selection of preferred seating etc.

Anyone got a view on this ?
It's a common trick. Some companies come right out and call it a convenience charge. You pay more for the conveniece of not queueing. Business being Business will seek to screw a profit in every way it can. I don't like it, but I don't worry about it.

Which one is UCI? Is that the one near the Illac Center? If so I gave up going there and it had nothing to do with the cost. If not, then forget it, whole other story.

"Which one is UCI?"

UCI are in Blanchardstown, Coolock and Tallaght.

Their charges for bookings are the usual rip-off Ireland stuff.

They were also made to back down some years ago when they refused to let children bring in their own sweets. They maintained that their own sweets sold on-site were less inclined to ruin the chairs/people's clothes and the wrappings on same did not make as much noise :eek:
Whatever that crap is they give people to dip Nacho's in, the Green Stuff. Should be banned. It literelly smells like crap.

Garrettod said:
Both their website & telephone booking systems are charging a booking fee (its nothing hugh, approx 5% of the spend I think, but why ?)

As I see it, booking over the internet is an entirely automated process, hence UCI's processing costs are lower ... why should we pay a premium to help save them money ?
Entirely automated systems can require a hell of a lot of costs to set up & maintain!
I wonder how the setup and maintenance costs for automated systems compare to the cost of hiring staff to do the same job? One might expect an automated system to yield savings in the long run and so, unless the seller was inflating their margins, for some of the cost savings to be passed onto the consumer?
The cinema has to pass on a cut to the credit card company. It isn't as high as 5% though. With the booking offices understaffed there's a convenience benefit to the consumer in using the automated systems. Rather than hire more staff it makes better business to charge extra for advance booking. Unless the attendance figures decline the exhibitor's aren't going to have any incentive drop the fees.
GeneralZod said:
The cinema has to pass on a cut to the credit card company. It isn't as high as 5% though.

I appreciate that, however with due respect this charge is not applicable if one uses their credit card to pay for tickets (or many others things in this country) when at the reception / box office area.

With the booking offices understaffed there's a convenience benefit to the consumer in using the automated systems. Rather than hire more staff it makes better business to charge extra for advance booking.

I think the opportunity to sell tickets over the telephone or internet, offers the company a way of cutting down staff costs further ... why hire, when a robot can do the same job ?

... basically, I see the internet as replacing humans, reducing costs & hence increasing profits. As such, why should we have to pay extra for the benifit of putting people out of work ?

Unless the attendance figures decline the exhibitor's aren't going to have any incentive drop the fees.

True, but we do have options
- other cinemas
- Sky Movies box office
- dvd / video rentals etc


Garrettod, I don't disagree with you sentiments. I was just surmising why they can get away with it.
Credit card companies do not allow vendors to charge a fee for credit card payments.Thats why these "fees" are called everything else but seem to be used to recoup credit card charges to the vendor.
The CC companies should make a stand on this or maybe the consumer needs to make a fuss.
All other retailers accept the 3-5% charge they have to pay but are very happy to set it off against the profit they make on the transaction.
Cinemas and theatres are not in a different position.
We need a list of cinemas who will forgo this charge.
Anyone, correct me if any of the above is incorrect.