TRS Query



My husband has the mortgage for our home in his sole name only. When we married in 2004 I sold my property and moved in with him. At that stage I had just used up my full 6 years FTB relief.

Should he have been treated as a married person for TRS since we married in 2004 even though I am not named on the mortgage. I do have proof of monthly contributions to the mortgage from my own bank account.

Would it change things that he is a FTB and I am not. Would he also be treated as a non FTB and only allowed the €1016 instead of the full €1600 that we would get if we were both FTB.

Can I claim now for mortgage relief as a non FTB on our mortgage or would we have to remortgage and put it in both names before I could claim tax relief.

His FTB status expires at the end of 2007. Would it be beneficial to then remortgage so we can claim the married couples tax relief of €1016 instead of his single persons relief of €508.We will most likely remortgage at that stage anyway, we are just hanging in with INBS at the moment to hopefully avail of a windfall. As soon as that is finalised we will move our business elsewhere without delay.

Thank you.
AFAIK it makes no difference if you are married or not in relation to trs - it is based on whether it is single/joint mortgage and the status of each applicant, i.e. FTB or non FTB, when calculating the relief you are entitled to.

If you are both on the mortgage then both of you will be entitled to relief based on either status above.

I don't know if it TRS can be backdated though.

If you are still unclear after postings on this thread call the trs helpline - 1890 46 36 26. They are very helpful.