To remove or not hands free kit for driving test


Registered User
OH has been advised by a driving instructor to remove a hands free kit in my car for a driving test. We were trying to save a bit of cash by not using instructors car, but I dont know where to get the kit removed, had it installed in uk two years ago. Dont think we can do it ourselves

Any ideas, either on how to remove it, getting someone to do it, likely cost, or should he just use instructors car, test two weeks yesterday.
Sounds OTT to me. Just remove the phone. If your driving is of the required standard then you will pass.
I'm with Michaelm on this one. I did my test a few years ago with a CarKit and things were fine. To me it shows safe driving.
Expect to pay about €50-€80 to get it removed and the same again to have it re-fitted. Agree with the others - a bit excessive - I wouldn't bother removing it - just don't put your phone in.

Best of luck with the test.
dont remove it - as long as your phone is turned off you will be fine
Thanks, that's what I thought, but considering test date is 24 april and he applied for test late march 2005, dont want to risk the tester saying he wont do it with it in.
There is no reason to remove it.
Just leave the phone in your pocket turned off so there are no interruptions.

My bro did his test with my car, the cradel was there empty. No problem at all.

I would ring the tesing center and ask them.

At least 20 % of cars have phone kits now.

An installer will probably charge at least 50 quid to remove and refit.

No need whatsoever to remove. Just switch off the phone.

Had a handsfree kit fitted in my car for the past two years. No comment from any examiner.

My car ? - Driving School car - am a driving instructor