Title deeds delay sale, any advice?



Agreed to sell a property in Feb, I refer to a previous post of mine, concerning title deeds not registered 5 years ago when we bought property.
The deeds have since been registered, but in the process of being mapped. (I'm using same firm of sols that failed to follow up on deeds in first place) There is also another issue concerning lands around the building that have to be transfered by the council to the management company, which is also not complete. Our buyers solicitor refuses to have contracts signed until
everthing is complete with land registery. My back is up against the wall
as there are debts I must clear. My own solicitor says its not unusual for a sale to go ahead with title deeds pending and she says they are being obstinate. Its all so confusing. We issued them with an ultimatum, sign or were putting property back on the market, but they haven't responded, or seem in no hurry at all...If we do put it back on the market we'll have to go through it all again. Any advice appreciated
It's certainly not unusual for sales/purchases to go ahead with registration pending. It really depends on the circumstances of that registration- ie that it is a 'sure thing' like a transfer rather than a first registration for example. The other issue regarding a transfer which has not yet happened is a little more doubtful. We don't know enough to say whether it would be normal for someone to proceed with this outstanding or not.

It may well be that the purchaser is in no great hurry and is happy enough to allow this to delay it. As you don't have signed contracts they are unwilling even to commit to purchase? If they wanted they could sign contracts subject to these things being sorted so to me they look as if they really want to hedge their bets.
Thanks Vanilla, its a small commercial property. My feeling is that they are in no great hurry. Dont understand why they wont even sign the contracts subject to things being sorted, There are a couple of people buying it as an investment, unless their lenders wont release funds cause the titles aren't complete?