"The Second Republic" RTÉ Radio 1: Very bad inane, boring, toe curling, mind numbing.


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Has anyone else been unlucky enough to hear this “Comedy " :confused: programme on Rte radio 1 this afternoon Sat?
I turned on the radio at about 1.15 and listened in fascination as a group of “Comedians " including that renowned wit Marty Whelan :rolleyes: passed comment on the events of the week.
To describe it as inane, boring, toe curling, mind numbing would be to complement it.
On the off chance that I would ever hear this programme again I am about to tear off, boil in milk and eat both my ears.
I heard it too. Didn't think it was that bad...
Didn’t think it was that bad! Didn’t think it was that bad! :eek: It was an insult to comedy, a festering carbuncle on the posterior of humour. I have been more entertained while lying on by belly in a wet bog listening to frogs fornicating. I will however grant you that Marty Whelan is funny, a laughing stock really.
Have to go now and take my medication, the place where my ears were a little tender.:D
Insult to comedy, in my book = anything in the Mrs Brown's Boys collection, Deirdre O'Kane, Ardal O'Hanlon (his standup), Tommy Tiernan (post 2005), the Friday joke show on Joe Duffy every month (?), Dad's Army and Blackadder (controversial, I know).

The Second Republic doesn't feature. However if I was to sum it up in one word.... Meh..
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Didn’t think it was that bad! Didn’t think it was that bad! :eek: It was an insult to comedy, a festering carbuncle on the posterior of humour. I have been more entertained while lying on by belly in a wet bog listening to frogs fornicating. I will however grant you that Marty Whelan is funny, a laughing stock really.
Have to go now and take my medication, the place where my ears were a little tender.:D

You turn a good phrase W200; what are like when you're annoyed?
Marty Whelan is really starting to grate on my nerves,he is way too many ads on the radio,its got to the point I hear his voice I reach across and switch station.

This happened when I heard this programme the other afternoon,so no idea if it were good bad or indifferent but seeing as Marty were in it,I cant imagine it to have been up to much.
Glad to hear its not only me who cant stand the show. Always feel shows like this are making light of the economic crisis, which they are of course. Tripe to the highest degree if you ask me.