The Movie "Dumb Money" really improved my life :))))


Registered User
Not sure why it's still so underrated but:
1) it's like the opposite of "Big Short": many won something vs a few...
2) it strengthened within me the importance of ethical investing also for my own sense of integrity
3) each time I feel low I can look at wallstreetbets forum for some crazy comments (laughter therapy)

...after renting it once I really had to buy it in youtube... Any movie on handing money that you find interesting apart from the classics like Wall Street/Margin Call/etc?
Catch me if you can, whilst set in the past, was actually very factual, in my time working for banks in the past, the amount of fraudulent cheques etc we used to see was scary. It was the paper ancestor of the e scams we see nowadays.
You'd probably enjoy Man 1 Bank 0.....not a movie but a book and off-Broadway hit. I saw it a few years ago at the Olympia.