tax for occasional sole trader work




I do some work for a business as a contractor, so i am just in the process of registering as a sole trader. The work is not very frequent I will earn approximately €10000 over this year. For the rest of the time i have been trying to find other work without success. I know to calculate what tax I must pay, I deduct all relevant expenses, but I didntt have very many expenses such as travel etc. I might have had about €1000 in expenses. Does that mean I pay tax on €9000, and how do I know how much tax to pay?
ALso can I be self employed and get any assistance from social welfare?
Many thanks

If your only income is 9000 you will be paying very little tax and it may all be covered by your single tax credit. However you will have to pay PRSI, the minimum stamp is (I think) €250.

If you are claiming Jobseakers allowance which is means tested this will likely affect the amount you are entitled to receive. However as the amount of income is low i woudl imaging you are entitled to something.

