tax avoidance schemes?



On the radio today it mentioned there are a number of people who earned over 1 million euro and they did not pay any tax or paid tax at a low rate. They did this legally through the tax system. Does anybody have a list of the various 'legal' tax avoidance schemes. I am familiar with the section 23 in regard to property. What others are there?

Thanking you in advance.
Probably talking about our good friend Bono and the likes.
Re: tax

The current edition of Phoenix has a great article on how McCreevy brought in tax breaks (following lobbying by the part owner of the Blackrock Clinic) to 'encourage' the building of private hospitals. This break is being used by consultants taking rooms in the new Galway hospital and will cost the state about €42 million in lost income. It's great to see our tax dollars being so well utilised.

But don't make the mistake of thinking that this large state subsidy might ensure an open, pluralistic policy for the ethos of the new hospital. The strongly Catholic developer has ensured that no questionable treatments like IVF treatments will be carried out at the hospital. We wouldn't want any of those nasty people with fertility problems getting a bit of help to have their children, would we? :mad
tax free

All the same it rankles a bit to see the great Bono slagging of the government ( and by extension you and me ) for not paying out enough dosh to 3rd world countries. I for one don't disagree with the idea of sharing wealth with our poorer brothers but it's a bit rich coming from a tax exempt superstar 'writer' And as regard the new private hospital in Galway I see that there is one opening in Dundalk soon too so obviously there are more around the country.
tax exempt

Rainyday: Quote from local newspaper 'we will have a cardiac unit with Dr ---- ----- as well as the IVF unit and surgical and neurological services' Obviously all these private hospitals are not going to be run on the same basis even if the tax breaks are
Re: tax exempt

Agreed - The ethos of the Galway hospital is driven from the personal ethos of the developer, Dr Jimmy Sheehan.