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I guess what I'm looking to do here is really get an inication of peoples' opinions on sushi but there doesn't appear to be any poll option so itll have to be in a thread.

I was out for lunch earlier and had my first taste of sushi and absoutely HATED it! I found the texture repulsive and the green paste that came with it was incredibly potent and I had a hard job finishing the one mouthful I had before gulping down some coke and chips to get that awful taste out my mouth!

I'm generally fairly experimental with food and have tried and loved many different types of cuisine but always put off sushi as I dont like the idea of it, but took a bit today and it would take some major convincing to make me try it again.

So are there many people out there who like sushi or do you feel the same as me? Am I missing out on an acquired taste - when I first tried Guinness and wine (separately!) I didn't like either but have become quite fond of both - is it worth giving sushi another go?
Where did you get it? Perhaps it was dodgy or unauthentic? What type of sushi was it? The best meal I had in a long time was a few months ago in a sushi restaurant in Mountain View, California and which got me interested in sushi having only once previously tried California Rolls and tuna sashimi before that (again in CA). When it's good, it's very good. I'd imagine that when it's bad it's disgusting. If you are going to give it a go again then make sure that you get it as authentic and fresh as possible. Don't bother with the crap that the likes of M&S sell as sushi for example.
Hi there,

I do think it's an acquired taste same as oysters.
Freshness plays a big part though (for both).
I personally love Sushi could eat it all day long in all variations. Wasn't very impressed by it the first time I tried it though. I don't like the wasabi or the ginger on it either - takes away from the taste.
But you do need to go for the real thing - box from Mark's and Sparks won't get you hooked.
I got it in the Beacon Court Hotel in Sandyford so youd expect it to be fresh.

Good link ClubMan - it looks like its Futomaki or Makizushi - it was a white role with a black layer in the roll and orange in the middle. Every so often I get a taste of the paste in my mouth and it aint pleasant!
The green stuff (wasabi) is supposed to be potent. You only use a tiny, tiny bit, and even then only if you like it. Think of it as mustard - just because you get a wodge of it on the side of the plate doesn't mean it's a good idea to put it on everything. As above, if it is not fresh it can be awful. I don't like it, but Mrs Zag does. I'm told it is worth giving it another go, but be sure you go somewhere that is known for quality or else you will be off it for life.

I don't know much about the Beacon Court, but unless they have a specific Japanese resto and a Sushi chef, I wouldn't expect top quality from anywhere.

Some years back I was brought to a sushi restaurant on a date and I hated it. Having been brought up only eating well done cod (and salomn maybe at christmas) eating raw fish just seemed well....mad.

This guy said to me, the first time you try sushi you hate it. The second time you try it might be because its someones birthday and this is the restaurant they want to go to, you go along try even more and well dont hate it as much as the first time. The third time someone suggests going for sushi you go...ok why not you remember one or too rolls/dishes you liked the last time and this time you might try some more....the fourth time you are looking for people to go with you for sushi and pretty soon after that you're dreaming about it.

And while that is a bit extreme...there is some truth to it. I really do love it now and very quickly I acquired a taste for it. Now if I go to good japenese restaurants Ill always order sashami too.

Ill say one negative thing about it...making sushi at home is not easy!
I managed to acquire a taste for it on my first go. This was in an authentic Japanese restaurant (albeit in California) though so that may have helped.
zag said:
I don't know much about the Beacon Court, but unless they have a specific Japanese resto and a Sushi chef, I wouldn't expect top quality from anywhere.

Just for the record, it is a specialist thai restaurant though I don't know if they have a Sushi chef - doubt if they'd have the volume of activity to justify this.
Loved sushi the first time I tasted it after years thinking that I could never enjoy raw fish. Still love it. I indulge in Aya in town.

Try a good sushi place. Maybe you just don't like it and there is hardly any point in forcing yourself.
I liked it the first time I ate it. I abolutely love it now. I really like the wasabi as well. The trick with this is to mix it with just enough soya so that it turns a murky brown colour.

Yum. Can't wait to get some again.
