Stolen Numberplates - does the insurer need to be told?


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Over the weekend a number of cars in my locality had their numberplates stolen, including my own. (for some reason they only took front ones!) The Guards were called and details given, we assume that they are going to use the plates on stolen cars for robberies etc. The guards suggessted we inform our insurers however a few people have said not to as they may load the premiums on renewal even though I for one have no intention of claiming for something that will cost 10 euro to replace.

Has anyone had any experience of this. I am tempted to ring the insurer just in case a car with my plate is involved in an accident or crime.
Its not the use in robberies you need to be worried about, its all the parking and speeding tickets you will get from their use on other vehicles. I know someone this happened to and they were getting notices and summonses for almost 18 months after the theft. It was very unpleasant for them.
You know, I hadn't even thought about parking/speeding tickets:mad: I suppose the fact I reported it immediately, if I do get a ticket I can provide evidence of a stolen plate, which should hopefully sort it out. I have never had a ticket for anything, do they specify the make/model of car that was caught?

I was very surprised how easy it is to get a replacement plate, I rang a shop who just took my name and the plate number and told me to come to pick it up in an hour, I would have thought they would have asked for evidence that the plate number does actually belong to me/my car.
The don't specify but you can ask to see the picture which can clear it up. With my friend they used the same make and colour so it was particulary unpleasant trying to sort them out.

As regards making plates yep anyone can walk into a motorfactors and get any plate made up. In the UK you need a V5 log book or a number plate authourisation from the DVLA to get a plate made.
EEK, your friend was unlucky. Though it did cross my mind that my car is a fairly common colour/model and they might get smart about it. I was told by an ex guarda that they often put a different plate on the front and back of a stolen car to confuse witnesses when they use them for a robbery. They apparently stole hundreds of plates over the weekends so it sounds like an organised gang.

I might mention when I pick up my plate about how do they know this is my car, it probably won't make a difference but it just may make them think
It's not the responsibility of the motor factors to ensure you own the car/vehicle that you're getting no. plates for. Think of people who are getting plates for company vehicles (especially trucks which need new plates on a regular basis!) or someone who is doing a friend or family member a favour by collecting their plates - do we really want people wandering around with a document as important as the VLC? I certainly don't.

I don't think there is any need to contact your insurance company. IMO by contacting the Gardaí, you have covered yourself against any potential incident/accident.
Lorz said:
- do we really want people wandering around with a document as important as the VLC? I certainly don't.
Yes. I think it's entirely reasonable to have to produce vehicle docs in order to get License Plates made.
Lorz said:
It's not the responsibility of the motor factors to ensure you own the car/vehicle that you're getting no. plates for..

I agree, but I am still a little shocked that there is no kind of safeguard - that anyone can walk into a shop and get plates made for a car they may not own or have access to, a car that may not even exist! I wasn't asked for anything, just my name ( which I could have made up), no proof of address or phone number
I am amazed that it is so easy to pick up numberplates without having to prove you own the car in question, but I guess they are not hard to make anyway. I picked up numberplates for my own car last year and expected to be asked for proof of ownership, but nada.