Spanish Banks Rip Off money transfer


Registered User
Trying to transfer 100k to our spanish bank account to buy a property but the spanish bank want more than 300 euro handling fee [broken link removed] . So much for the EURO that was supposed to make these charges cheaper. Even though the banks in Ireland tell you that they shouldn't take any commissions in Spain (IBAN) the banks in spain have made up a new charge "handling charge" to get their "pound of flesh".[broken link removed]

You think the Irish banks are bad the Spanish banks are 20 years behind us.

Any advice? Is there a Euro cheque that can be bought in Ireland that the spanish builder can cash in spain without making a song and dance about it?
yes, you can get a euro draft drawn in Spain from your own bankers here. i do not knwo the cost, but it can be done over the counter.