Solicitor delays payment


UK resident

I am based in London, in the UK. Sometime ago I inherited a part share in a property in Ireland, together with my brother, who does live in Ireland. I could make little use of the property, while my brother said that he wanted to take it on. So the solicitors who were acting for the executor (who is a third party) made arrangements for me to sell my share, at probate valuation, to my brother. My brother used a separate solicitor to represent him as buyer, and about four weeks ago paid the agreed sum of money to his solicitor, and signed the deed of transfer (of which I have seen a copy). His solicitor sent the money on to the solicitors acting for the executor in the usual way. to date despite increasingly strenious efforts on the part of the executor no payment has been made. he writes letters, they do not reply. He phones, the receptionist answers and promises a call back but none occurs.

he rang three times last Friday, was promised a response by the end of the day three times, and none came.

What do we do now?
Write a letter to the solicitor referring to the transaction. Indicate that you have other major commitments, give them you Bank details and allow him five working days to transfer the money. Mention to them that if the money is not received by the due date you will be launching an immediate referral and complaint to the Law Society.