Selling an affordable apartment back to DCC



Hi Guys,

Have of any of you knowledge or experience in selling an affordable unit back to DCC?

I bought an affordable apartment in 2008 for €280,000, obviously it has dropped significantly in value since then although I do not know the actual current value.

This did seem a very high price for an affordable unit and they did lower the market value (and in turn the clawback) significantly to €290,000 before the close of the sale.

I am locked into a fixed rate of 5.60% from our friends in the EBS for 5 years so I can't sell during that term without incurring massive breakout costs.

I guess the question I am asking is do you know of anyone who has sold their property back to DCC and if they were treated favourably by them as their own customers or would they act the same as any other punter paying your property on the open market?

Would there even be a potential to do a property swap for a unit of similar value?

The reason I am asking these questions is because, like many others, I recently lost my job and I have a child on the way so I have obvious worries about the future and I would like to know my options, if any!

Thanks in advance for any advice/comments.