Sallins, Clane, Kildare?

I can recommand Nass/Sallins area hands down, i have grown up in Rathcoole and am moving to Nass, from Rathcoole to Nass takes me seven minutes in the car (sticking to the speed limit), the drive to the city centre is a 25 minute job (non rush hour), i didn't see the point in paying 60K more for a place in Rathcoole over the one i bought in Nass, a two bed apt in Nass can be got for 270 if you get in quick, Rathcoole starts at min 320k (Courthouse) and more for Eaton, neither of these are what they are made out to be, i've rented both, Rathcoole's Bus is an every hour job and takes 1h 30mins to get to the city thanks to its roundabout way of going in.

With the N7 finished Nass and Sallins are a much better option than Rathcoole, Saggart, Newcastle (Traffic) than people believe esp if its 60 - 70k in your pocket min, having grown up in Rathcoole the area is now inhabitated by BMW driving Polo Shirt Lovers who know nothing of the village.. except that they seem to pronounce it Routhcoule and that it has an Avoucha for coffee...

I'm not bitter i can afford to buy in Rathcoole tomorrow but i personally feel that the prices are unjustified, i got my apt in Nass for 270 two weeks ago, Blacktorn in Rathcoole is 360k + for a two bed apt, 100+ in your back pocked for an additional 7minutes in the car and an Arrow station in Sallins, 10 times the facilities of the Three Villages put together, Yes Please, Now off to buy that set of BMW's and some Polos :)
Best Places to buy in Kildare are Maynooth or Celbridge or Newbridge. My parents lived in Kill for years and I spent some of my childhood there so I would not go near Naas or Kildare town. Kill is nice but the school is full and there is really nothing in it apart from the new M7, Johnstown is overpriced and Naas is a kip. I hated that town so much, the few years I spent in secondary school there was horrible and I went to the so called posh girls school, my property was stolen so many times I lost count and the rough element in Naas is pretty rough!. Kildare town as said by another poster is a total dump, don't go near the place. Newbridge used to be known as rough but it's really come on in my book and it so different to what it was and not a bad option for you. Sallins is as dead as a do-do, just house after house and no ammenities. The traffic is still mental on the M7, what time you gain on the new road you loose once you hit Citywest/Newlands Cross and the Red Cow. Clane again is nuts to get out of if you have to commute and there was never really anything in it, my father used to be a teacher in the community school there and was never too mad about it as a place to live.
Good luck with house hunting!!.