Rush to get on and off plane.

Why do people rush

Time does not pass quickly. Its our time that does.
Air quaity on Planes

Miss Ribena mentioned air quality on planes. I'm pretty sure I read during the smoking ban debate that air quality on planes overall has decreased since they banned smoking. The thingymajig that provides fresh air in the planes uses up fuel and after cigarettes were banned the airlines reduced the fresh air generation.

Perhaps Ryanair's fresh air systems are set to low to save fuel?
Re: Air quaity on Planes

The thingymajig that provides fresh air in the planes uses up fuel
Don't you find that technical accuracy adds so much to the gravity of an argument?

I think you are mixing two arguments. One is that amount of new air that is allowed into the cabin. The other is the effect of cigarette smoke in the cabin. Imported air at 33k feet is very cold (-60C) and so needs to be warmed up, this uses energy. So if you allow less new air in you need less energy. Hence the argument that air quality has decreased over time last say ten years. The cigerette argument is unrelated.