Rural Housing Control Zone and A3


Registered User
I have a site which I currently have planning on. The planning pertains to me and from what I understand can't be transferred. Someone I know wishes to buy the site and apply for planning herself.
What I am wondering however is if I am outside a Rural Housing Control Zone (which I am) do all these A3 type conditions automatically not apply?
I should clarify this: When I say I am outside the RHCZ I mean that the site is outside the RHCZ
Have a look at the Area Maps in your County Development plan.

Each area is usually colour coded, so it should be a simple matter to see which area or zone your site is situated in. The conditions / constraints usually depend on the area or zone of the site.

As a rule of thumb - the conditions that apply to your current permission are likely to apply to any new permission. The issue and requirements of "Local need" will clearly defined in the Development Plan.
I have a site which I currently have planning on. The planning pertains to me and from what I understand can't be transferred. Someone I know wishes to buy the site and apply for planning herself.
What I am wondering however is if I am outside a Rural Housing Control Zone (which I am) do all these A3 type conditions automatically not apply?

I'm not sure I fully understand. If your site is outside an RHCZ, then there should be no restrictions on who can apply for Permission.
Thanks. I have looked at the maps and it seems that we are not in any particular zone. However, I wonder why they insist so much on the local need aspect of the application when it doesn't seem to be supported by the local development plan.