Rent a room scheme!


Registered User
My GF is moving in to my place next month. She would pay rent + share the bills. I was wondering what type of category would i fall into? Rent a room scheme or rent as investment. Can she still claim rent relief? Should i require to register with PTRB? should i issue a lease agreement with her just in case if things does not work out? if yes is there a copy somewhere in the web?

My GF is moving in to my place next month. She would pay rent + share the bills. I was wondering what type of category would i fall into? Rent a room scheme or rent as investment.

Rent a room - provided it's under the relevant annual limit for rent

Can she still claim rent relief?


Should i require to register with PTRB?

No need if it's rent-a-room

should i issue a lease agreement with her just in case if things does not work out? if yes is there a copy somewhere in the web?

I think yes, do sign something. It doesn't have to be too onerous or official. The BBC website did something on this a number of years ago but I can't find it now. Did find [broken link removed] but I haven't read through it - it might be a good starting point
