Regular Saving Advice

Mr Blond

Registered User
I am currently saving 550 a month with New Ireland,I am putting this into two accounts one 300 euro (I plan on closing this every 4 years for a new car).The other one is 250 and is more long term maybe to help pay of the mortgage early,so this should be going for at least 15 years.

Anyway I just got my Annual Statment from both accounts and its not looking great.

Account A 300 per month

Total paid into account 3,900. Fund Evergreen Value of Holdings 3,285

Account b 250 per month

Total paid into account 3,250 Fund Evergreen Value of Holdings 2,732

Any advice on what I could do in a situation this...?
Thanks,Looks like I will have to decide if I will rough it out or cut my losses and bail out.
It’s difficult to see what you are complaining about. From the figures you provide you’ve suffered a loss of about 16% over the past 13 months. If you had invested directly in any of the major stock market indices in the same period you would have suffered losses (e.g.: FTSE100 down 17%; Eurostoxx50 down 27%: Iseq down 45%; DJIA down 15%). Your performance is more or less the same as investing in foreign (i.e. non-euro) developed market equities, and a lot better than if you had invested only in euro market equities. So there is no reason, based on the figures you’ve supplied, to think that your fund is underperforming major world stock markets.