Redundancy payment in court



Hi i am new to this forum, i am just looking for some advice.
I am due to be made redundent in soon. My redundancy payment while not a fortune, would have keep me in " living". A few weeks ago my ex-wife went to court, to freeze my payment, pending a court sitting. I pay maintainence every week for my two kid, ( not by court order). I have always tried to be as fair as i can, but if this goes through i am facing wipe out.
I have a good solicitor, and i am suppose to give my cheque to them till, the
court date. Before Christmas, i had agreed to pay, a years maintainence to cover, the time when i was unemployed. She has now gone for the kill.
I think that when all the legal bills etc are paid, there will be very little left.
I feel at this stage, just to take it and bank it, out of the state.
I have no problem paying maintainence, but this is like waiting for as i said already, wipe out. Any advice would be welcome, thanks